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View Full Version : ZQuest Tutorial, Demo 2

12-01-2003, 05:10 PM
Previous Stuff
-Chapter 1: Getting to know ZQuest
-Chapter 2: Making your first screen
-Chapter 3: Playing in Zelda Classic

This version-Version .5
-Chapter 4: Continuing
-Chapter 5: Down to the dungeons
-Chapter 6: Items, Enemies and Flags

Download (http://filespace.brentdax.com/LinktheMaster/TutorialDemo2.zip)

Plans for the future:
Plans for version .75
-Chapter 7: Going to Ganon's Tower
-Chapter 8: Ganon's Tower
-Cahpter 9: Custom, custom, custom

Plans for full version
-Chapter 10: Pure Oddities
-Chapter 11: FAQ
-Chapter 12: Troubleshooting & Glitches

Note: This is in html form, but you don't have to be on the internet to view. It will all be installed on your hard drive.

This has the feel of AlphaDawg's tutorial, but redone. I guess it sort of is, it does follow along the same route, but this has a lot of V.1.92 abilities. So, it has a step-by-step feel of AlphaDawg's tutorial, but, it has the knowledge of Idon'tKnow's Tutorial. I hope this helps some people with questions.
If any of you have any questions or this doesn't work, please contact me here.
Oh, and please excuse some of my later pics and how they are blurry. I started out using Microsoft Word, but, it started to mess up. So, I began using the only other easy html editing tool I had, Netscape. Turns out, it does crappy at turning pics into jpg, and, there's another problem. The pictures and stuff appear in the same folder as the .html file does. But, I made them hidden. But, all you need to do is find Page 00 and that's the begining page and start from there. ;)

12-01-2003, 06:26 PM
very nice!!! except one change you should make is on the enemies/items/flags page--you said for each of the enemy flags (like "enemy 1", "enemy 2", etc.), "When the secrets activate, the enemy appears here"...this is not true--what these do is place the corresponding enemy in that spot, so that the enemy spawns inn this spot when link first enters the screen, regardless of whether the secrets have been activated or not

overall, the tutorial is pretty sweet!!! You might want to increase the font size just a little & make certain things stand out a little bit more

12-01-2003, 06:58 PM
Thank you. Actually, that's what I thought it was, because I tried to use it like that before, but, it didn't seem to work. Also, I was thinking I had seen it used in a quest before. But, maybe they used a pit to go to another room and I didn't notice it in the map. :shrug: Well, I'll fix it. Thank you.

12-01-2003, 07:13 PM
I know what you're talking about. The secret in the room is triggered, and all the floor tiles are turned to pits which warp the player into an identical room that has enemies in it. In turn, the person may set the enemies to trigger another secret once they are killed, which could range from another warp generating more enemies to a simple opening door.

12-02-2003, 04:26 PM
i suggest including the following in your tutorial:

A. Creating Various Puzzles
1. Making a Push block Puzzle
2. Making a Maze
3. ??? (give ideas for your own kind of puzzle)

B. Lock Blocks & Locked Doors
1. Using the lock block combos
2. Creating a "Locked" Door Combo
3. Creating a Locked Door Offcenter
4. Boss Doors

C. Freeform Dungeons
1. The structure of freeform dungeons
2. Offcenter Shutters
3. Tips/Hints

D. Combo Cycling & Animating
1. Making a combo animate
2. Making a combo cycle
3. Hints & Tricks Using Combo cycling

E. Tips for Good Overworlds
1. Making Your Overworld Pretty
2. Placing the Dungeon Entrances
3. Making Caves & Shops
4. Adding Secrets to Your Overworld

F. Quest Rules & Screen Flags
1. Quest Rules Defined
2. Screen Flags Defined

12-02-2003, 05:16 PM
I'm going to have to squeeze some of these things in, or make another section. :tongue:
But, somethings I did.
A. Like, I did tell the person how to do tiered secrets, a type of puzzle. And, I started into push puzzles. But, I could go into it further.
B. Yes, I have one spot to put this in. It's in chapter 9. This is more telling you how to do things in ZQuest your own way and being your own boss, controling ZQuest to make cool affects, like cutscreens, and other things that allow custom quests.
C. In chapter 9. ;)
D. I've actually already gotten into that and said how to do animation and combo cycling. It's in the last chapter. It says how to make a spike floor go up and down by using combo cycling.
E. I was thinking about sticking FAQ with Troubleshooting & Glitches so I could have a chapter about "Making Better Quest." The good thing is, there are somethings that I can borrow from the "Making a better quest" topic at PZC. As for caves and shops, already done that. Also, done secrets.
F. Quest Rules, since I've explained the flags, which, took up half a chapter, I guess I'll stick Quest Rules somewhere in there. But, that will probably in Chapter 9 as well. (geese, that is going to be one long chapter :tongue:)
Thanks for your support IDK, and note, this is an unfinished tutorial. I'm only 50% done. It's hard to find time for this seeing as I have a quest I want to get a demo out.

12-02-2003, 06:35 PM
Is this currently on the internet somewhere? And if not, would you like it to be hosted? I'm in the process of re-doing my website, and I need some standard content. You would get all say and credit for it. The thing is, right now, i can't look at it on the computer I am on because I'm at school :p

btw, I did enjoy your first set a whole lot, because it was so easy to follow through, and actually kinda fun. Keep it up!

12-02-2003, 07:25 PM
Sure, you can stick it on your site. Just make sure it does give credit where credit is due.
If you could, when you get done, send me the url. You can give it to me here, or by PM. I was going to do it, but, there are a lot of files to it, and, I don't want to bother getting a FTP program. Thanks for the offer!

12-02-2003, 08:07 PM
Because I went with fuitadnet instead of a better webserver, I personally can't access the uploaded files on my network, but if you want to check it out for yourself, you can do so at


the only change I made was a copy of Page00.html to index.html for fluidity in the server. In the future, i will probably sort this to a subfolder, and make a massive ZC shrine.

Speaking of which, are there any other files that need to be put on this?

12-02-2003, 08:30 PM
I still can't see it, but, I'll try later. ;)
And, all files currently needed to be added are in that zip file. Next, I'm hoping to make organization easier. I told you about that netscape thing, well, I'm going to use Word to fix the files in the main window. So, you might want to wait for the last 2 chapters to upload. ;)