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12-01-2003, 01:05 AM
"Little Sickle Girl"

Of autumn leaves or borrowed dreams
Things of belief or what we see
Slowly changing as the leaves
a sickle cycle, the weft of the weave
caressed in sunset of waning whims
Or whatever you might say

sway, sway, oh sway

And as these times will go
You know the seasons always do
Lending life and giving love
Yet leaving a part of you
Simple hopes haloed in need
Simple men never dremt such things
A gold that always sees to be seen
Perennial in our artful memories

You, the hart that drinks the streams
You, the harvest of our needs
Softly becoming everything
And still capacious, capacious, little Sickle girl

Oh daisy it isn't spring and brittle rose it isn't for you
It is the time for the blasé leaves latter their blooming
And I'll say before you say

Sway may you sway
Sway may you sway
Sway may you sway
Sway may you sway

And though we will see the death of your green
And we'll never understand the song of your seas
but every day of all your days sway may you sway may you sway

Little sickle girl of golden dawns and october curls
Angels rays and winds of howling witchery
Under your paper snow flake shade where children play

These times were sad as they are happy
These times went quick by nestlings and bantlings
lingering leaves of fallen dreams where my hope once played
even so sway may you sway may you sway may you sway

Little sickle girl

Sway may you sway
Sway may you sway
Sway may you sway
Sway may you sway

Little sickle girl

As I know you grow like changing days I watch myself fade in age
I count the ways and try to stay to see the way you sway
And every page instilled with rage the cynical face counters godsent age
And all the times of time we faced never timed our timely pace
I hope you someday go away empty hate and morphous blame
I hope the legacy isn't pain as my herecy from the rain
And falling leaves were never to blame only signs of change

Sway may you sway and you change so changed
Sway you may sway going and coming from away
Sway as you sway no one's in wait as they fade
Sway you do sway as if in time and times

Change. So changed.
Little sickle girl

12-01-2003, 01:27 AM
Wow, that's pretty good... I'm afraid I only got kind of an impression of what it's about rather than understanding the entire meaning, if you were indeed aiming for one as I think you were, but I still find it impressive. I like your wording, it's nice and interesting but doesn't really sound overly-done or anything. Good job.

I'm sorry if that sounds terribly general of me:P I'm not very good at wording things sometimes, and I think I come off pretty blah a lot of the time. I do think your lyrics/poem is very good, though.

Master Ghaleon
12-01-2003, 02:07 AM
I give it a thumbs up :thumbsup:

I like to read some more of your lyrics/poems

12-01-2003, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by Master Ghaleon
I give it a thumbs up :thumbsup:

I like to read some more of your lyrics/poems

Give me some good free web space and I'll make a webpage.

Master Ghaleon
12-01-2003, 02:50 AM
Originally posted by SUCCESSOR
Give me some good free web space and I'll make a webpage.

If i knew how to get ya web space without paying for it I would :tongue: I dunno much bout that kind of stuff

12-01-2003, 03:40 AM
You're supposed to add a third option to the poll that has absolutly nothing to do with the poll, such as fruitloop, or headphones. What kinds of poll-maker are you anyway!? ;)

I can't beleive you actually wrote something like that (length wise, I'm talking). Thats pretty freakin w00tastic, if you ask me.
Not many people can/could write that long, and still make it
work, good job. :thumbsup:

12-01-2003, 02:02 PM
Great poem. You see, a week ago, I would have offered to host the picture in my AOL FTP space. But now, we're getting DSL hooked up tomorrow, and we're probably going to dump AOL really soon thereafter.

12-01-2003, 07:00 PM
There are too many cliches...:P

Just messing with you. It's pretty sweet, would make a good song or something, I'm sure I could write something for it, heh.

12-01-2003, 10:00 PM
Pretty good. ;) As for webspace, you could upload .txt files or something to http://filespace.brentdax.com/ which has been linked to before, but it's free, and good and stuff. ;P

Originally posted by MasterSwordUltima
You're supposed to add a third option to the poll that has absolutly nothing to do with the poll, such as fruitloop, or headphones. What kinds of poll-maker are you anyway!? ;):

Well, most people add a stupid last option, because 90% of the people who vote, vote for the stupid option. That's annoying if you really want an opinion. ;P

12-02-2003, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by Dechipher
There are too many cliches...:P

Just messing with you. It's pretty sweet, would make a good song or something, I'm sure I could write something for it, heh.

Tell you what.. you do the drums and bass and I'll take care of the guitars and vocals. LOL *sigh* long distance bands never work out.