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View Full Version : Weee! I'm blogging

11-30-2003, 09:20 PM
I'm officially opening the page I made (http://www.treadsor.com/rainman). It's far from done, but I'm sick of waiting. The start screen isn't finished (it will have an image of some sort). Most of the sections aren't completed yet as well. Basically, the only thing that is done is the "blog" part. There is one update so far. I plan on updating daily be we'll see how that goes. I know a lot of you use community blog sites, but I wanted to make my own and personalize it more. If you want more information check out the site. ;)

Master Ghaleon
11-30-2003, 10:11 PM
Sweet man, Ill check it out again once ya get more on it. Of course I just signed to xanga couple weeks ago or so. Link is in my sig ;)

11-30-2003, 10:33 PM
I like the whole green thing goin' on there. Me like. :D

Just wondering I know you don't have this done, but I was 404'd when trying to access your juornal, but everything else was fine. Is that right?

P.S. Did you use Blogger.com?

11-30-2003, 10:55 PM
No, I didn't. I made this all on my own. I'm hosting it on my friends server. There shouldn't be any 404's though. :eyebrow: I added filler pages for all ones that I haven't finished yet. The journal part should be done for now. BTW, what time zone are you in? The time will affect what you see because of the scripts I have written.