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11-28-2003, 10:28 PM
Today our cat since 1988(15 years!!!) died. For the past month or so
he was looking very scrawny, only weighing 4 pounds as opposed to 14
pound most of his life. The vet said that his heart was barely
beating and he had kidney failure he said that on IVs he might have
lived two more weeks, but that would just prolong the enevitable.
And this happened just one week after our next-to-youngest dog(five years old) died.
This is just a little to much for me to take in at once ya know...
Anyways just wanted to tell you guys, later.

11-29-2003, 02:46 AM
That's pretty sad, losing someone you have known for many years. I know what you're going through, but know that you'll get over it and it'll all be better.
Also: You may want to put this in Rock Bottom if you want sympathy.

11-29-2003, 10:07 PM
That's awful. I've never had any pets because one of my brothers has CF and the pet dander precludes any kind of pets.

Also, on a side note, did you just come back? Because I haven't seen you around for ever.

Master Ghaleon
11-29-2003, 10:43 PM
I have 2 cats and I know if one of them died, it would be like I lost a family member. I love pets and cats the most. Im sorry to hear about your cat MagmaLord

11-29-2003, 11:19 PM
At my mom's house, we have about 10 or 20 cats running around out back (its like an old farm house upgradedz0r3d, with a couple acres where they run around). We've given away some and I've seen three of them run over by cars (not the actual death, but the aftermath), and those are sad times, even though I don't reall know the cats. Infact, two weeks ago, one of the smaller kittens was run over, and another one broke his leg (which is fully healed on its own, I've dubbed him Flatfoot), so I know what its like, Magmalord. Its really horrible stuff. But death is bound to happen sooner or later...

11-30-2003, 04:24 AM
Sorry to hear it.
Pets can become real friends after a long time.
Sheba, my black lab, is truly mans best friend.
I would be devistated to lose her.

11-30-2003, 05:01 PM
MMM how'd they taste?

12-01-2003, 03:04 AM
Originally posted by SUCCESSOR
MMM how'd they taste? probably about as good as your humor... :eyebrow:

some of you remember when i told you my dog 'drown'... :disgust:

12-02-2003, 11:24 AM
I am so sorry for you its so though on you losing a pet they are more like your kids/sibblings, deffinately a important part of your family any way. Are you getting any new pets?

Sometimes its hard to fill their palce but sometimes its easier when you have a new pet to love instead of just missing the old ones and feeling the emptines in your home after them.

My cat Tudor has been been missing for abot days now and we are starting to feel very worried. Its cold outside and he usually comes home everyday to eat and sleep. He is not out looking for gils anyway, we got that fixed when he was only 6 monhts old. So I hope he will show up soon.


12-03-2003, 06:15 PM
Anyways to answer the questions...

No we won't be getting new pets, I've been trying to find a job for the last year and into the present/future, and they tasted like chicken...

Spiffy Enigma
12-04-2003, 05:40 PM
That's about how old my cat was when he died. I've dealt with pet deaths before, but this one was the hardest to grasp. After you have a pet for so long (I've had my cat since I was three) it's kinda hard to imagine what it would be like without him/her. Strange as it semms, this was one of the few animal deaths in which I didn't cry, obviously since I was 18 when it happened and I've learned to hide my feelings (whether that's a good thing or not, I'm not sure).