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View Full Version : Would you like to do a side quest?

11-25-2003, 12:26 AM
Once again, I am in need of someone to jump on board and do a side quest for my group quest. It is getting there - we now have levels 1-7 finished. But there are a number of planned optional areas towards the end. So if anyone is interested in doing one, there are 4 of them available as of this point. Titan Shrine, Volcano, Mine, and Lab (although if Cyclone decides he still wants to do the lab he can, although I haven't heard from him in a very long time so I rather doubt this). Let me know if you are interested. The time commitment would not be nearly as great as for the main levels, so dont let that aspect worry you.

On the map:

Titan Shrine is that structure NE of the desert that looks suspiciously like the sanctuary.
Volcano is obvious - it is on the western edge of the map
The Mine is the cave entrance in the mountains just south of the clouds - just west of the lone house up there.
The Lab... well, I'm not telling where it is. It's a secret. :D

11-25-2003, 12:32 AM
That looks awesome.
And I'm willing to bet that the "Lab" will be in one of those ? areas.
Sorry, I've got no sidequest skill(or quest skill for that matter). :D

11-25-2003, 01:18 AM
lol - I just spoke with Cyclone, and he does still want to do the lab. So strike that one from the list.

And no, it actually isn't at one of the ?s. Those are actually screens I haven't done yet (the screen in ZC does actually look like that - I didn't superimpose the ?s on the map), and I have made the entrance to the lab.

11-25-2003, 02:12 AM
Yes, looks awesome indeed, except for your forest area and the upper water/lake area. Seems too plain. Other than that, awesome stuff.

11-25-2003, 11:41 AM
Hopefully you are aware that this group quest has been worked on for a very, very long time and is very, very old. The graphics date back roughly to mid-2001 or so, and are really phenomenal by those standards.

11-25-2003, 06:12 PM
noted, but you should also upgrade areas that have been made since way back when. Instead of leaving it as is. Just a suggestion.

11-25-2003, 07:03 PM
What are those lines of grass going up the mountains?

11-26-2003, 07:04 PM
DFW: I am in the process of doing that. For instance, the mountains to the north and west of town used to look really strange. In addition, you used to be able to take a staircase into the desert, but I've changed that so now you have to go through some caves.

Melon: They are temporary so that I can test the mountains without having to work my way through the underlying caves. I got tired of having to use a cheat code every time I went.

11-28-2003, 11:44 AM
what graphics pack, or tileset, is this quest using? also, what is the goal of each sidequest? for example, are hiding an optional secret weapon in each secret area? should they be areas where the ultimate goal is to find a piece of heart or heart container? does each have a unique item or ability? (like maybe in the lab, you can find a man who teaches you to slash, and the volcanoe, there's Din's Fire, and in the mine there could be a man who gives you a free bomb upgrade)

11-29-2003, 06:21 PM
Could I help with the volcano?

11-29-2003, 09:17 PM
The graphics pack was originally GtG's LttP tileset. However, most of the graphics in there now I ripped myself.
The goal of each of these side quests is a specific item - for the volcano it is the flame sword, for the titan shrine it is the titan mitt, and for the lab - well, I'm not going to say. For the mine, the goal is actually just to collect money. It's more of a minigame in many ways, as you have to pay each time you enter, and if you're not careful you'll fall to a lower level from which you are forced to leave. However, the mine should still be structured more like a level - there should be lots of secrets the player will have to find and puzzles to solve in order to make it through and collect the bulk of the money. And probably even a boss to fight.

Most of the magic containers will be within the levels. So far, levels 1, 3, 6, 7, and 8 each have one. However, pieces of heart could certainly be scattered between the levels. After all, I really doubt I will hide 20 of them throughout the overworld. Other things could also be hidden in them too - like potions or bomb upgrades - right now there's only one of those.

If you're truely interested in helping, give me a PM. I can't set things up quite yet since I'm not at my computer, but once I get back to school this next week I'll be able to handle it.

12-03-2003, 12:13 AM
Cloral - extremely impressive. This is one of the few games this year that will be put together with a sense of 'overworldedness' where it's not just a bunch of linear shit. Excellent.

I would love to work for you, but I have other projects to work on. Catch me on the next group quest. :nerd:

12-04-2003, 11:53 PM
Well, nobody's PMed me, so I am still in need of 3 people to work on sidequests - the titan shrine, the volcano, and the mine. Please let me know if you're interested!

BTW, I have been working on the map since I first posted this topic, so you can see the changes in the picture at the top (although you might have to forcibly reload them to see).

12-13-2003, 07:20 AM
I'm still very interested to see this quest. I STILL remember you guys just starting it...had to have been over a year ago.

12-15-2003, 01:47 AM
Well, if you want to see the quest, you could help us build it. I still need builders.

12-15-2003, 01:56 AM
I would but, I don't know jack about this new fangled ZQuest version, I'm still stuck in the early 1.92 betas.

That, and the fact that I'm leaving in late January for basic training might hinder my part.

12-15-2003, 11:00 AM
Wow. No one will EVER beat that wondeful map. The Zelda 3 tileset is the greatest of all.

EDIT: Mines? I have made lots of mines, and I love it. Caves is my speciality and I would be very interested in helping out. You won't be dissapointed.

12-16-2003, 11:43 AM
that is a beautiful map indeed. My reservations on the parts mentioned above still stand. But I do believe I could hide 20 HC pieces on that overworld. You just aren't thinking hard enough. I am the master of HC piece hiding. ;) As attested to HD. :)

12-17-2003, 07:16 AM
If no one else is gonna take the Titan Shrine I guess I'll take it. I'll have to play through the rest of the quest to get an idea how the difficulty adds up so I can do it though. What version is this quest in?

I can begin work as early as Friday. gonna be on a bus trip for Wednesday and Thursday.

And also, a suggestion:

This quest has a lot of mountain walls. There should be some places that you can bomb open, THAT DONT HAVE A BIG OBVIOUS CRACK LEADING TO THEM. Im talking retro style, you gotta bomb the walls over and over until you find the right spot.

What do you think?