View Full Version : Tile Contest: Should the show go on?

11-23-2003, 08:30 PM
I've been debating with myself whether or not I should keep the Tile Contest going. Over the past few contest, there has been little entries, and not much attention, plus the lack of topics is starting to catch up. I do have a fairly good topic that should bring back some attention, but I'm not sure what I will do after that. I need some serious help with this, so any suggestions will be greatly apreciated. (I also wouldn't mind some new topic ideas too.)

I'm also thinking of starting to do more overworld tiles if I keep these contests going, and I also need to know what you people think of it.

One more thing that I may have to take into consideration is that for some people (I know for a fact it will affect me) That in a few weeks, I will be crammed full with things to do: the week before X-Mas holidays, I ALWAYS get a load of tests in school, MM: DWR will be released near christmas, so major testing will be impportant, I'm gonna need to do a Science Report in a few weeks, and I don't have a topic yet, so my teacher is gonna start cramming it down my throat soon, and a lot of odds and ends will be popping up. I'll be able to make time for this, but this might be the case for a few others too (not EXACTLY, but relatively close) So if you THINK you will be able to enter in the contests of the next few weeks, and if you WANT to, please tell me too.

I'll start the new contest sometime tomorrow night or Tuesday, the topic will be shields. I hope this works out for the best, or I may end up giving up the contest/ giving it to someone to handle.

11-23-2003, 08:56 PM
I personally think it should continue. I love reading the threads and seeing the finished work. It gives me ideas for tilesets of my own. But, it's up to you.

11-24-2003, 08:23 AM
Ian, this tile contest is a great thing to have and you definately should continue it. The lack of entries and the lack of posts lately doesn't have anything to do with this contest. It looks like the whole ZC boards are almost dead currently, so don't be discouraged by this. Maybe people will return when a new build is released or when a great quest is released... And maybe it would help to have overworld/dungeon tile contest sometime soon.

Ian, I'm forever thankful for your help with MM: DWR, and you can be sure that when it's released, I will participate to this contest and will help you in any way possible! ;) Oh, and I noticed that C-Dawg is a big supporter if this contest also. But like almost everyone else, he's been gone for a while... :shrug:

11-24-2003, 08:27 AM
True.. However, I do not think that you should quit the contest. I mean, there's nothing stopping you from just delaying any contest until you get some good tiles. The more time the people have to work on them, the better. :shrug: The better the tiles, ... well.. the better the tiles! :eek:

And yes, we all appreciate your work on MM: DWR.