View Full Version : Burn flag question

11-19-2003, 07:55 PM
I want to make it so that you have to burn a number of different combos on one screen seperately. For instance, you burn the first bush walk forward a little and burn the second on the same screen. Can you burn a combo without other burn combos "burning" with it?

11-19-2003, 08:25 PM
Yep, you use layered or tiered flags as some call them.

you choose you secret combo, then hold Ctrl down and choose the secondary flag.

so how you would do this....

you place the combo in the burn secret combo position that the "bush" will look like after it's burned, and an unburned bush on flag 16.
hold Ctrl and click on 16 again and choose the burn flag.

you can set as many of these as you want, but it gets a little confusing as you progress.

here's how you would light 4 torches to get a secret, it's about the same, this is from IDK's post on RureZC.

here's how you do for torches to light in a specific order:
1. place the four unlit torch combos on the screen
2. on the first one that you need to light, place a "burn" flag
3. on the second one you need to light, place flag 16, on the third one, place flag 17, and on the fourth, flag 18.
4. set the "burn" secret combo to a lit torch
5. set the secret combo of flag 16, 17, & 18 each to be the regular, unlit torches
6. hold ctrl while clicking on secret combo for flag 16 and then choose the "burn" flag.
7. hold ctrl while clicking on the secret combo for flag 17 and choose the 16th flag ("secret tile 0")
8. hold ctrl while clicking on the secret combo for flag 18 and then choose the 17th flag ("secret tile 1")
--This makes it so that the player can light the four torches in a specific sequence; by burning the first torch, the secret combo of all other torches appear and then thats secret combo's flags become present; when you light torch 1, the secret combo of flag 16, 17, & 18 appear as normal torches over the original normal torches, so they appear unchanged, however flag 16 now changes to the "burn" flag and flag 17 changes to flag 16 & flag 18 changes to flag 17 so that the second torch can be burned. When burned, the 3rd torch can be burned & when that's burned, the fourth & last torch can be burned

As you see though, they have to be lit in order.

11-19-2003, 08:53 PM
Cool. That'll help me out. I do have one question though. I cannot seem to get Palettes/CSets to work correctly on the secret combos page. It seems as though I can only select CSets 1-6 on the main Overworld Palette. Anyone know how to fix this? It would really help out.

11-19-2003, 10:37 PM
i think thats a bug--there's a certain cset in every pallette that cannot be used when you select secret combos--be sure that you are switching through all csets that you can use though by press the + or - buttons on the keyboard while picking the secret combos--like its been said, to make secrets be activated in a certain order, you have to make it so that you have the burn flag & then flag 16 both placed on the burnable combos (in this case, the bushes). Then set the secret combo of the burn flag to be the combo that appears when each bush is burned & set the secret combo to flag 16 to be exactly like the second bush originally is, so that when you burn the first burnable bush, the second doesn't appear to change. Now, you must make the "secondary flag" of secret combo of flag 16 be the "burn" flag (hold control as you click the secret combo of flag 16 & then select the burn flag & hit 'ok') Tadah! The more bushes or secrets that must be burned in sequence, the more complex--also, b4 you even ask, when setting up secrets like so, you must always activate the secrets in order, starting w/ the weapon flag that is placed on the screen itself...you can't have torches or soemthing that can be lit in any order

11-19-2003, 11:41 PM
The thing is though that it's not just one CSet, it's anything over 6. This poses a problem because the buildings CSet is #10 on the overworld palette so I cannot use secret combos in buildings or dungeons.

11-19-2003, 11:53 PM
I've had the same problem with csets and secret combos, I've managed to work around it by making more combos and recoloing them which means they are always slightly different.
I'd like an answer to that one too.

11-21-2003, 06:41 PM
I don't suppose there is anyway to do it with no particular order is there? basically i have three different sections of the screen that are only accessible from different screen. For instance the top of the screen is only accessible from the north, the bottom right is only accessible from the east and the bottom left is accessible from the west. I would like to be able to burn things in each section without the others burning to cause that just looks lame. Thanks.

11-21-2003, 09:00 PM
not that I know of, but I haven't given it a great deal of thought.