View Full Version : My "evil Cat"

11-16-2003, 10:36 PM
My cat just woke me from my much needed rest by biting my foot. He wanted to play and I wanted to sleep , he decided that he wins by continuing to attact my feet as they tried to hide under the covers.

Usually he "talks" in the middle of the night demanding attention or food or as tonight just for the fun of it but tonight he certainly had a new approach.

So I get up to get a glas of water then he runs for the door and wants to go out instead of playing with me. So now I am wide awake and its 3:30 am here.

I bet he did this to get back at me for giving him a shower today he is quite allright with me washing him every now and then just for keeping the appartment mudfree and all now when its fall/winter outside. He even takes naps in the tub and zink so he is not affraid of water.

Have you any good stories about your pet /s?


11-16-2003, 10:48 PM
My dog chews stuff up now... she never did before. She's 14 years old, too... it's weird. She attacks stuff, and chews it up. lol

11-16-2003, 11:33 PM
My cat used to attack everyone's feet when he was a kitten. We solved the problem by just kicking him. He learned real quick.

11-17-2003, 03:03 AM
I have a dog named Barkley back home that is psycho when it comes to playing ball. It's extremely annoying because when visitors come over, he will keep jumping on them until they play. Oh, how I love my dog.

11-17-2003, 07:40 AM
We had a dog that, when it was a puppy, would incessantly chew up and destroy my dad's stuff. But only my dad's stuff... the rest of the family never lost a thing to that dog. :shrug:

11-17-2003, 08:27 AM
I have immortal goldfish. ... Well, I used to. :disgust: I don't really care much for them anyway. They're my mom's. :shrug: I don't have a dog or anything though.

I had some suicidal fish. They would continuously attempt to jump out of the tank, and surprisingly, onto my father's dinner plate. :eyebrow: Strange times.

Master Ghaleon
11-17-2003, 12:48 PM
When my cat Sam was just a little kitten she would hop in bed with me right between my legs at night. Basically when she did that I had to lay in that position. Well one night she layed down right in the same spot and I tried to get her off me without having to pick her up cause I was still sleepy. Of course she acted like she was sleeping so I farted and the cat jumped straight up in the air and the hair on the cat looked like pikachu just shocked the shit outta her. It was funny

I had a 40 gallon fish tank that I kept in my room. I found this snapping turtle at the park so I kinda only filled the tank up half way so he could be on land/water too. I havd 8 fish and I woke up one morning and was fedding them and only counted 7. I asked my Step-dad if Snapping turtles would eat the fish, he said nah. Well I went back up and saw the Snapping turtle chase a fish and bite his head off with the tail just floating in hte water. That was the end for the Snapping turtle. I put him back at the park nad released him.

11-17-2003, 05:15 PM
I have a painted turtle in this 10 gallon tank. The first day I had him I was trying to decide on a name, when I noticed that the goldfish I had put in there with him were fewer in number. A quick look revealed half of one of the fish head floating around in the water. I named the turtle Sid.
My mom got her cat for company in college, no she's 20 years old. My sister recenty got a kitten, he's a year old now. My brother's friend has two cats from the same litter, when introduced to my sister's cat they quickly attacked him and wouldn't let up until we took him away. When introduced to my mom's cat they slowly backed away while she just sits there staring at them.

11-17-2003, 06:01 PM
I have one rabbit that is scared of stairs. we had put him on a shelf (kinda low) with a blanet on it so he'd be nice and comfortable, and a box right next to it so he could hop down if he wanted. over the period of 3 hours he didn't go down, only sat there. I eventually went out and took him down, and set him in his cage (we let them run around in our 2 car garage. we also have a cage to one side in case we put our car in), and he went straight to his literbox. poor bunny :p

I also have another, she always escapes our little outdoor pen we built for them (well, it's actually a garden, we just put a fence up so they could run around). we never know how she escapes... needless to say, we don't put her out there anymore. our other rabbit dosen't even seem to care if there's an escape route :shrug:

anyway, those are my bunnies. also, they're both really fat :p

11-17-2003, 08:57 PM
Our youngest cat, Annabella, plays fetch. She likes those balls with the bells inside them. We'll throw it across the room for her and she'll chase after it, then pick it up and bring it back to us. She also likes to pull pushpins out of the wall and chew on them.
Our other cat Bridget likes to chase lights. We have to pin a sheet up in front of the bedroom window so we can sleep at night, because if we don't she'll jump halfway up the wall trying to catch the lights from the cars going by. When Bridget is hungry and wants to be fed, she'll chew on any paper that's lying around, she especially likes magazines. Also, she and I used to chase each other back and forth until we moved into this small apartment.

11-17-2003, 09:11 PM
Its great to hear about about all your pets wild killing beasts, suicidal fishies and carlight chasers.

They are as close to being your children as it is possible and we forgive them for stuff we wouldnt allow our own kids to do if we had any.

Stealing food from the kitchen counter, chewing on your shoes and peeing in the neigbour garden, hey that sounds just like me when I was 4. :laughing:

Tudor likes to play with the paper bags we bring home from shopping food and stuff he likes to hide in them and sneek on us as we are walking by . He also loves attacking your hand on the other side of the thin papper wall while lurking well hidden inside one of the bigger bags. It looks a bit weir having all these bags on laying around everywhere but its well worth it.

Right now he is sitting in my knee trying to make me stop caring about the keybard and put all my attention towards petting him instead. He loves to snuggle up in our knees especially here in the computer room, dunno why really.


11-18-2003, 10:50 PM
Mr. Binky is a bi-polar sociopath. Enough said.