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11-14-2003, 07:29 PM

Finally! January 27, 2004! The Critic on DVD! The whole series! WEEEE!

I've been waiting so long for this, I can't wait to be able to watch this!

It's kinda depressing that there were only 23 episodes in the whole series, but at least they're all quality.


11-14-2003, 11:25 PM
I used to watch those late at night on Comedy Central. Finally I get to watch it again. It Stinks.

11-15-2003, 01:03 AM
I think The Critic is one of the funniest cartoons ever made. Sure the Simpsons and Family Guy are funny, but they don't make me laugh each episode like the Critic does.

So there were only 23 episodes? That stinks. I don't know if I'll buy the DVDs or not. I wonder if Comedy Central is still showing re-runs of The Critic.

11-15-2003, 01:08 AM
I remember my caffiene-warped brain when I first watched. I was laughing my head off so loud my landlord woke up. I hate living next to him......:(

11-15-2003, 01:33 AM
Sweet. I'm surprised they didn't include the Shockwave series on there somewhere as a bonus though. They are just short 10 min episodes but there are like 19 of them I think.. (maybe not that many, I can't remember). Decent price for the entire series though (I DO hope that's both ABC and FOX)

11-15-2003, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by Warlock
(I DO hope that's both ABC and FOX)

I believe that 23 episodes include both ABC and FOX. That's what I get from the fansite link in my previous post, at least.

11-15-2003, 11:17 PM
They still do show them on Comedy Central. On sunday evening late, as well as sometime during the week, i think on Wednesdays. The critic used to be my favorite show, untill I saw all of them liek 40 times each. ill still probably buy it tho, cause it was a great show. Anyone know why they ended up canceling it?

11-16-2003, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by Goat
Anyone know why they ended up canceling it?

Thats how TV works. All the best shows get cancelled. MTV alone has cancelled many of my favorites including The State (comedy skit show much like Kids in the Hall. Some members of The State are currently on Reno 911) and Sifl n Olly.

11-16-2003, 03:48 AM
A good show, but not as god as The Tick.


11-16-2003, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Goat
They still do show them on Comedy Central. On sunday evening late, as well as sometime during the week, i think on Wednesdays. The critic used to be my favorite show, untill I saw all of them liek 40 times each. ill still probably buy it tho, cause it was a great show. Anyone know why they ended up canceling it?

Haha, I agree.. I've seen it so many times that I'm not sure if I want to buy this or not..

Originally posted by stormwatcheagle
A good show, but not as god as The Tick.


Hell yeah.. Why won't they release a DVD of this show? (they did the live action one but not the cartoon). It rocked hard

11-17-2003, 02:03 PM
Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to say that last night's episode reminded me of why I love this show so much :D haha.. It was actually a joke that I didn't get until seeing it a couple months ago, but it's hilarious once you get it. It was when the dress maker was asking Jay's sister if she deserved to wear virginal white, and she replies "Yes...... except maybe the gloves.".. hahaha.. Also thanks to VH1 for allowing me to get the "No more wire hangers" joke :D I swear that channel is great with their "I love the 70s/80s/80s Strikes Back" for particularly understanding Family Guy jokes which are usually based on 1970-80s sitcoms and movies.. heh.. I might have to get this set afterall.. I guess I'll see how I'm doing in terms of cash when it comes out..

11-17-2003, 04:03 PM
lol @ Warlock

Those kinds of shows are the best, the ones where you don't get a joke at first but later on when you do, you fall over laughing.

I didn't understand much of Wayne's World when I saw it (I mean, I was only like 12 or something when it came out), but now it's even funnier cause I get all the jokes. :D