View Full Version : Interesting Unix Commands

11-09-2003, 06:06 PM
% cat "food in cans"
cat: can't open food in cans

% nice man woman
No manual entry for woman.

% rm God
rm: God nonexistent

% ar t God
ar: God does not exist

% ar r God
ar: creating God

% ^How did the sex change operation go?
^ Modifier failed.

% If I had a ( for every $ the Congress spent, what would I have?
Too many ('s.

% make love
Make: Don't know how to make love. Stop.

% sleep with me
bad character

% got a light?
No match.

% man: why did you get a divorce?
man:: Too many arguments.

% !:say, what is saccharine?
Bad substitute.

% %blow
%blow: No such job.

11-09-2003, 06:45 PM
Some of those gave me a chuckle.. Especially the God ones and the Congression $ one.

11-09-2003, 11:50 PM

Ah, all the fun things you can get commands to say. There is a shirt on Think Geek about the 'man woman' command: http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/sysadmin/5b7e/

11-10-2003, 12:18 AM
Haha, those were good! I liked the God ones and the Congress one as well. :)

11-10-2003, 01:49 AM
I found a T-Shirt on unix-stuff.de (there's other cool stuff there too) that reads:

[[email protected]]:
who | grep -i blonde
talk; cd ~; wine;
talk; touch; unzip;
touch; strip; gasp;
finger; gasp; mount;
fsck; more; yes;
gasp; umount;
make clean; sleep

11-10-2003, 02:48 PM
Heh, those are cute. :) Too bad most of them output different errors on our Linux.

<waw@progeny: waw> sleep with me
sleep: invalid time interval `with'
sleep: invalid time interval `me'
Try `sleep --help' for more information.

<waw@progeny: waw> got a light?
bash: got: command not found

<waw@progeny: waw> man: why did you get a divorce?
bash: man:: command not found

<waw@progeny: waw> !:say, what is saccharine?
bash: :say, what is sa: substitution failed

I have a shirt that reads "$ rm -rf /bin/laden" that I got from ThinkGeek on clearance.