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View Full Version : What Should Be Done With The OOTP?

11-06-2003, 04:48 PM
This has been an issue for a while, and I want you all to see it.

I'm sure most of you remember the KTC, (Knights of the Templar Coliseum.) and how well is occupied most of our time. :eyebrow: But with the not too recent decline in its fame and grateful fortune, what with Glenn as the leader, (But give thanks to MrCow, Jigglysaint, Jemsee, Drunken Tiger, and the others for their undying leadership too.) it had taken a turn for the worse when people started to leave. For a while, it had been just Jemsee and I, but even then, the new Order of the Phoenix had been dwindling in... well... everything.

And now, it seems that they have left me for naught, as no one can come up with any ideas with which to salvage it.

If none of you can come up with an idea for it, or wish to save it for some reason, then perhaps it is time to say goodbye to the KTC and its offspring. What do you say? Vote honestly now.

EDIT: Oh, and Fatcatfan, I'm sorry. I am sorry to have been so ... rude, to you in the Private Message. Had I known, I would have worded my PM better. Other people, let this not be a topic of discussion in this thread. I'll erase this shortly enough.

Kirby of Doom
11-06-2003, 05:08 PM
Maybe have both the KTC and OOTP and start a war?
I think the original idea was for it to be a group of rent-a-mods (well, not really) but I'm not sure what it's supposed to be now. :shrug:

11-06-2003, 05:10 PM
There are several problems with the concept.
First, not enough people know about the concept, either because the link on the forum page doesn't work, or because they never bother to scroll down that far.
Second, many people might not be inclined to join because they see no reason to do so. OOTP should present a clear goal that everyone knows about.
Clear up the murky waters and improve visibility, I guess. I'm all for it if you can sort things out.

11-06-2003, 05:10 PM
Hm. For the moment, the present idea for it, (as well as the most recent.) was for all banned, but not Perma-banned, ('cause they've earned their title. ) to be able to plead their case in a controlled environment. If they are found to be redeemed, they can come back to the forums. If they can't, they stay banned until their time is up.

Of course, problems were foreseen, such as, who would feign sincerity, then come back and flame the whole forum and get perma-banned, and make the OOTP look bad, or they could just serve their sentence and make the OOTP obsolete.

Kirby of Doom
11-06-2003, 05:14 PM
I just thought of something wierd and stupid. We could have an OOTB, standing for Order Of The Banned, where all and only banned members could post (not counting to post totals). It's a bad idea, but might be interesting to see.

11-06-2003, 05:18 PM
Interesting idea, KoD.
The problem with that would be that those users would be full of bitterness and resentment for the rest of the forum. Besides, even though post counts would not count, those posts would still take up space.
So hears my idea:
The people plead their case, and then are allowed to converse in the banned persons forums. After their sentence is up, they are released unto the world on probation. By this time they should understand the rules, and if they fail to comply, they are perma-banned.

11-06-2003, 05:19 PM
True, it would be interesting to see, but it wouldn't do much, because if they were 1) banned, and 2) Could only post in there, they wouldn't have much to say but flames. It would be yet another KTC, but for the banned. Even LESS than the whole AGN. Like GB, ... for the banned.

11-06-2003, 05:28 PM
Another possibility. You could have the rules enabled so you didn't need to register to post there, and set it up for ZC. If people didn't need to register an account to ask one question, we wouldn't have so many NPN's.

Or, we could just create a quest development team who could inhabit it.

11-06-2003, 05:35 PM
Actually, a quest development team would be rather cool.

.. Another actually. .. Actually, I've had this cool idea, the Zelda Classic Tiles Laboratory that never got started over at CZC, because of CZC's apparent popularity, ( :rolleyes: ) but with the considerably numerous talented people here, it might just happen. In case you're wondering, the ZCTL will do exactly as the name is described.

11-06-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Britannianhero4
Hm. For the moment, the present idea for it, (as well as the most recent.) was for all banned, but not Perma-banned, ('cause they've earned their title. ) to be able to plead their case in a controlled environment. If they are found to be redeemed, they can come back to the forums. If they can't, they stay banned until their time is up.

Of course, problems were foreseen, such as, who would feign sincerity, then come back and flame the whole forum and get perma-banned, and make the OOTP look bad, or they could just serve their sentence and make the OOTP obsolete.

FYI, this will never happen. The KTC forum has never had a purpose, other then Glenn creating a clique to spite Eckels. It's been "circling the drain" since its conception, and should have been closed along time ago.

Originally posted by Britannianhero4
Actually, a quest development team would be rather cool.

.. Another actually. .. Actually, I've had this cool idea, the Zelda Classic Tiles Laboratory that never got started over at CZC, because of CZC's apparent popularity, ( :rolleyes: ) but with the considerably numerous talented people here, it might just happen. In case you're wondering, the ZCTL will do exactly as the name is described.

ZC Developers Exchange.

11-06-2003, 06:23 PM
I think we should replace it with Music Metropolis....

but you saw that one coming amile away didn't you?

11-06-2003, 06:26 PM
Err.. thanks Breaker. Yeah, I agree. (And the ZCTL thing I can introduce to PZC, and they can handle it, I'm sure. Thanks though.)

FYI, this will never happen. The KTC forum has never had a purpose, other then Glenn creating a clique to spite Eckels. It's been "circling the drain" since its conception, and should have been closed along time ago. I know. Rest assured, .. I am aware of that. That is why I a established this thread, to put it to a conclusion. We can finally deal with this!

11-06-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Britannianhero4
We can finally deal with this!

Wrong again.

The most common discussion within the walls of 'OOTP' is "what the hell do we do", and "who is the OOTP/KTC leader?". These aren't hosted projects, nor are you apparently capable of doing anything with a hosted forum to begin with. (without starting threads in General Discussion and asking the general population of AGN what should be done)

The staff will decide on what to do with OOTP/KTC and the moderators of the forum. The space isn't yours to do what you want with. The forum idea was setup by Glenn and should have left with him. How it's even gone on this long after Glenn's initial banning is beyond me.

If you wish to pitch an idea for a new hosted forum, speak with War Lord.