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11-01-2003, 07:25 PM
heh, you all probably thought I meant the member, but no!
Its the name of the new poem I just wrote, hope you like it and any critisism will be happily recieved :)

The Successor

An emptiness,
A pit,
Some deep dark hole.

Full of nothing but spite,
Lusting revenge,
Lusting pain.

Never looked on again by the Successor
Who’s dashed dreams brought bitterness,
The bitterness also unheard.

From past lessons learned,
Were actions made.
From past truths denied,
Tears were forged.

The Successor in shambles,
Requisite dreams denied.
Torn apart by hatred,
Yet held together with a love.

A love no more they say,
Any options recalled,
The past belittled.
The present ignored.

The Successor in ruins,
Unto dreams rebuilt.
All wishes forgotten,
All calls unanswered.

The hope…
The dream…
All lost!
All gone!

The successor no longer succeeds…

By Obi Khan 1/11/03

Master Ghaleon
11-01-2003, 08:33 PM
I liked the poem Obi. How many poems have you written before?

11-01-2003, 08:44 PM
Yes... very good, how long did it take you to make it all up?

11-01-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by Master Ghaleon
I liked the poem Obi. How many poems have you written before?

Oh, only a few (http://www.brentdax.com/filespace/obi/obipoems.doc)

Originally posted by Crazy_Link
Yes... very good, how long did it take you to make it all up?
Not too long actually, about 10-15 mins tops. I just took the major experiences I had been having recently, and wrote them down in the form of a kind of story I guess.
