View Full Version : Deadly virus intentionally created.

10-29-2003, 10:31 PM
More ways to die, vaccines don't help...


10-29-2003, 11:21 PM
Great. Enhancing my already-rampant paranoia. Just what I need...

Master Ghaleon
10-29-2003, 11:24 PM
AHH we all gonna die!!!! Horrible deaths!!!

10-29-2003, 11:49 PM
That is some very scary stuff. Fortunately for us, it seems that there is, at least, a defense which might be used against such altered strains, which might be pursued in the event the worst happens. (The losses would still be heavy.)

Also noted at the bottom was the lack of contagiousness of the modified pox, even better news in many ways.

10-29-2003, 11:55 PM
Look on the bright side everybody. It probably won't be fatal, and we can use it to stop the evil terrorists. I'm not sure how, but that's why I don't do this for a living.

Seriously, I hate people who use 9/11 as justification to do stuff like this.

10-30-2003, 04:53 AM
These scientists better know what the hell they're doing, that's all I have to say. If not, may they be infected by their own virus and melt. :P

10-30-2003, 09:14 AM
Who would have ever thought something so small could do so much damage. :shakeno: It's a real shame.

*sigh* We're all doomed, sometime in the near future. One of those beakers shatters, a small gust of wind, that wind travels, *bam* death of humanity.

Fools. :sweat:

Slider Zero
10-30-2003, 11:32 AM
Once again the scientists go crazy. Modifying a virus is bad...very bad. This only adds more evidence to my theory that the Super-virus known as HIV/AIDS was man-made.

10-30-2003, 01:12 PM
HIV was first discovered in 1980, and I don't think that we had sufficient technology back then to make a virus that we haven't been able to find a cure for yet. Although if it turns out it's been engineered to target mainly black people (why it's rampant in Africa) then I'll start asking questions.

10-30-2003, 01:52 PM
My understand of AIDS is that it tends to target those in promiscuous circles, and perhaps in the drug-using circles.

I have no clue where AIDS came from, although I do seem to recall a story of how it began with a monkey bite, and spread from there.

Just an additional note here. I may not have indicated it in my previous post, but this kind of experimentation does make me a little uneasy.

I can understand the reasoning behind it, and I'm thankful they seem to be happy with just a mousepox (which humans can't catch) for now. But it's still only a small jump from experimentation with virii which do effect us, and even a remote chance that that kind of experiment may go wrong and cause catastrophic consequences as a result, or be stolen and used against people, is scary.