View Full Version : The Terry Schiavo saga continues...

10-24-2003, 01:43 AM
From what I hear Florida legislators managed to quick-pass a bill which was surgically designed to give Jeb Bush the power to save Terry Schiavo's life.

Afterwards, the Schiavo's were denied access to an intravenously fed Terry.

No matter how you feel about the legislation allowing doctors to return the feeding to to Terry Schiavo, you have to admit that her husband's behavior is most disconcerting and mean-spirited.

There are charges tossed about questioning his motives, one of which is fairly certain. He does have a mistress with a child he would like to marry. There are charges that he may have more to do with her condition than he admits to.

There are doctors debating whether or not she is vegetative. She definitely isn't comatose, seeing as she responds to stimulae, can obey simple commands and communicate "yes" and "no" effectively by grunts if nothing else.

There are people saying that even if she recovers, she'll never return to normal, and such may be likely or true. There are those who believe that after 13 years she has no chance at recovery.

Some, like myself, are aghast at the idea that anyone would simply let a person starve to death, especially if she has a family willing to pay for the treatments and therapies which may help her recover some at least.

Others point to a verbal agreement supposedly made between Terry and her husband, which her husband and her lawyers vehemently point to. And do recall that Mr. Schiavo is in charge of her care, no matter what you think of his motives or character.

Still others point to a lack of living will, which would cover such cases.

I don't really have a point, just thinking aloud of all the angles of this story in order to perhaps sort them out. And I welcome others thoughts on the most recent developments and anything connected with the general case itself.

10-24-2003, 09:46 AM
I think the whole ordeal is insane. What you said about having a family willing to pay is true. If she has one, why should she have to die because of her cheating husband?

10-24-2003, 11:39 AM
While normally I would be against the passage of legislation just for one circumstance, in this case I feel it was justified. Starving someone to death like that... that's pretty sick.