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View Full Version : Ten things that are hard or close to impossible to do with one hand in a bandage.

10-23-2003, 05:16 PM
Since I have my hand and the entire lower arm in bandage and a odd looking plastc thingy for another 5 weeks, I have discovered a couple of every day things that are so easy to do with 2 hands but quite challanging with only one:

*cutting bread and making a sandwich- Damn you ,stay put you freaking bread. I only want to cut you into pieces and cover you with butter is that so hard to understand?

*Dressing - anything with zippers works buttons- huge no no. Challenging = bras I figured out the only way to get in mine are to close it first then crawl into it like a big fat worm. Socks say no more. Try to tie your shoes with one hand...

*Riding a bike

* Fixing your hair, at least if you have long hair like me. Cannt braid it or put it up into a simple tail or anything just keep it hanging straight down.

* Opening cans, put tooth past on the teethbrush, cutting things
My new best friend is the big green kitchen sizzors I open things with it , cut my spagetti with it heck I even cut my waffels with it last night.

* Typing, man its making my home work (postings and emaling) take hours and hours.

*Showers, Wrapping towels around your self and your hair. Tape and plastic bags are always used befor you take a shower , do I have to say more?

*Swimming and mostly all other sports

*Sleeping- hell it feels like my arm is as heavy as a truck and its unfortable too.

*Playing video games- nuff said

So do you have any ideas of normal everyday t I can try to do just to see if its possible?


10-23-2003, 05:22 PM
You can attempt to...

*Run a marathon
*Build a computer
*Set up said computer
*Have sex (what?)
*Pick up guys
*Paint or draw
*Play a guitar

I doubt you could do any of these effectively with a heavy, awkward brace-thing on your arm. It'd be fun to try, though :)

By the way, why is your arm bandaged?

10-23-2003, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Pablo
You can attempt to...

*Run a marathon
*Build a computer
*Set up said computer
*Have sex (what?)
*Pick up guys
*Paint or draw
*Play a guitar

I doubt you could do any of these effectively with a heavy, awkward brace-thing on your arm. It'd be fun to try, though :)

By the way, why is your arm bandaged?

Hehe he well some things are worth all the effort , you know what I mean.:naughty:

To make a long story short I was trying to stop a fight and got beaten up myself while doing so. It lead all the way to the ER and a hand operation.


10-23-2003, 06:32 PM
woah! o.o

Sounds quite courageous. Geez, what kind of a punk would hit a lady o.o. Unless it was another lady. *Catfight* :D

Get well soon! :heart:

10-23-2003, 07:10 PM
I have had my right hand bandaged a few times (broken hand/trick wrist) and using the loo is probably the single most infuriatingly difficult task in that condition. Driving a standard transmission would come in second if it weren't such a fun game. Shaving under the arm of the good hand can be another challenge. If you are just looking for something to test your new handicap against, try sweeping with a broom.

About the hair... headbands. Those little-girl hair ties that look like 8's with a large ball on each loop (wrap around the hair and slip one of the balls through the opposite loop) are about the easiest for single-handed pony-tails.


10-23-2003, 07:56 PM
Well it wasnt a lame catfight it was a drunk finnish guy that was twice the sice of my fiance and he was beating him up. So I had to do something. I was his " priness in shining crown"

Well since I cant drive anyway , dont have my license yet I can coop with not being able to drive.

The wc stuff is no problem but I totally agree that it is a challange trying to shave the good arms armpit, -i am quite agile so I made it after a few attempts.

Thanks for the tips on the headbans Mercy I will buy me one of those and see if they will do it for me.


10-23-2003, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by theplustwo
Geez, what kind of a punk would hit a lady o.o a damn coward, ill tell you that much... men have NO business hitting the opposite sex... ge, as if you cant see, im very adamant about this...

get well soon, tcat...

we :heart: you

ill save you the trouble:

ad·a·mant ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-mnt, -mnt)
Impervious to pleas, appeals, or reason; stubbornly unyielding.

10-23-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Gerudo
a damn coward, ill tell you that much... men have NO business hitting the opposite sex... ge, as if you cant see, im very adamant about this...

get well soon, tcat...

we :heart: you

Thats what I thought too so I was kinda surprised when I realized that he didnt care I was a girl.

Thanks very much for the kind words it might help my tendons fingers and wrist to heal a little bit faster.


10-23-2003, 09:05 PM
I found everything was about the same, although it was annoying. It wasn't a real cast; it was cloth and velcro with metal in it so I could take it off to shower, and I did pretty well; everything was about the same except typing and fapping.

10-23-2003, 09:16 PM
Mine is made of thick plastc materials and I have metall fake nails glued on my real ones and from these things a rubberband is attached running down to a little hook of some sorts down on the arm, making my fingers hold a curved position.

At night I losen the rubber bands and strap on even more plastic things as another part is added to keep my finger straight and fixed that way.

Its aching and very uncomfortable since the wrist is ina bit of a angled position.

I am not allowed to take it off what so ever and it is quite wide so I cant wear things with slim fitting arms iow nothing almost from my closet and none of my winter jackets and we got snow here a few days ago!!!!


10-23-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Tudorcat
Mine is made of thick plastc materials and I have metall fake nails glued on my real ones and from these things a rubberband is attached running down to a little hook of some sorts down on the arm, making my fingers hold a curved position.

At night I losen the rubber bands and strap on even more plastic things as another part is added to keep my finger straight and fixed that way.

Its aching and very uncomfortable since the wrist is ina bit of a angled position.

I am not allowed to take it off what so ever and it is quite wide so I cant wear things with slim fitting arms iow nothing almost from my closet and none of my winter jackets and we got snow here a few days ago!!!!


Whoa! You have to deal with that for five weeks?!

You really should ask your doctor if there's something a little less...insane for you to wear. Can't you have a conventional cast?

10-23-2003, 10:29 PM
Sighs , its even woorse I have to have for another 5 weeks it been around already for a few weeks you know.

This is the best way for my badly cut hand (tendons) to heal accordingly to the doctors, belive me I tried to get rid of after just one day.


10-24-2003, 05:25 PM
yeah, i had my right arm bandaged up in february after i had to have surgery to repair a shattered finger. i thought i was going to go insane before they finally let me out of the cast (which they did early b/c i kept wiggling my arm out of it). try putting in contact lenses with only one hand. that was a nice way to start my day for a couple months. and good luck with the physical therapy. they had to let mine heal in a slightly bent position and the joint froze and it took several months before i could straighten those fingers all the way out without using my other hand. but it's hurting again now that it's getting cold. *sigh* they told me to expect that though.
and it's freezing here in february too...everybody kept wondering why i had sandals on and short sleeved shirts. they didn't seem to understand that it was impossible without the help of two other people to get completely dressed. but the first night without your cast is the best. i kept waking up and looking at my arm cuz i couldn't believe the cast was finally gone!

10-24-2003, 06:43 PM
Well I gave up on my contacts after a few times, kept dropping them in the basin and on the floor n stuff.

Thank heavens I got glasses and a sweatheart to help me dress as often as its possible, he has a work to go to besides caring for me.

Speaking of clothes I thanked my lucky star that I already owned a pair of fairly warm shoes with a zipper along their sides and the other day I bought me a warm west that I can wear on top of a warm knitted pullover so I can go out everynow and then.

I cannot wait to get rid of this nightmare equipment of mine:confuse2:
