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View Full Version : Mysterious and Freaky Urban Legends

10-21-2003, 03:52 PM
There's something new on Ebaumsworld (www.ebaumsworld.com) called "Urban Legends'. This is kind of a freaky animation that shows 3 city mysteries that have been solved. The 1st and 2nd one are freaky, but the 3rd one is just plain funny. I wonder if they're fake..What do you think?

Here's the cartoon - http://www.ebaumsworld.com/urbanlegends.html

10-21-2003, 04:00 PM
The first one isn't true. Quote by Jimmy "Diamond" Williams of the Ohio Players
"There is a part in the song where there's a breakdown. It's guitars and it's right before the second verse and Billy Beck does one of those inhaling-type screeches like Minnie Ripperton did to reach her high note or Mariah Carey does to go octaves above. The DJ made this crack and it swept the country. People were asking us, 'Did you kill this chick in the studio?' The band took a vow of silence because that makes you sell more records."
LoL disney moviesa are evil.

10-21-2003, 04:03 PM
Eh, I thought the first one was freaky until Mandrag posted. The second was is just messed up, the third one, not surprised.

10-21-2003, 04:04 PM

All the urban legends you could ever want, plus you get an analysis of their veracity. It's download-one-get-the-next-free!

10-21-2003, 04:10 PM
And it has that Love Rollercoaster scream there too, Pablo. Good find :)

EDIT: The first two ahve been proven false. The "ghost" in the three men and a baby scene was actually a real person who was accidently in the background when the scene was shot. End oof story. The 3rd one is still true though. :laughing:

10-21-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Linkafier
And it has that Love Rollercoaster scream there too, Pablo. Good find :)

EDIT: The first two ahve been proven false. The "ghost" in the three men and a baby scene was actually a real person who was accidently in the background when the scene was shot. End oof story. The 3rd one is still true though. :laughing:

Actually it turns out it was a cardboard cut out of one of the character's that was part of a "sub-plot" thing, with one of the character's being an actor in a commercial or something.


The cutout is shown again.

10-21-2003, 04:34 PM
Everything that was shown on this video, except the scream, my psychology teacher showed us a couple weeks ago. 0.o

She also talked about subliminal messages purposely put in movies.A study showed that if a Coca-cola ad was flashed on the screen in the middle of a movie for 1/300 of a second, you would only be subconsciencely aware of it. One movie theater did it and Coca-cola sales skyrocketed 250%. Wheather or not these two facts go together, or that it was complete random coincidence, one may never know.