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View Full Version : carving pumpkins...

10-18-2003, 05:51 PM
how many of you carve pumpkins for Halloween?

how many of you are artistic at carving pumpkins? my bro's fiancée is ;)

http://www.gerudo.net/temp/katbatpumpkin.jpg <-- sideways

http://www.gerudo.net/temp/katbatpumpkin1.jpg <-- switched the pic to be vertical...

what do ya think?

10-18-2003, 06:07 PM
Thats awsome :clap: :clap: Really nice I woulnd never be able to come even close.

We dont celibrate halloween here in Sweden as big as you do over there but last year I actually made one of those jack lanterns. It was standing guard in my graden untill the snow came and some of the kids stole it :lol: :angry: .

Since we arent hosting a huge party this year I dont think I will carv one this year, but who knows.


Michael Moore
10-18-2003, 06:18 PM
Its nicely carved, but I'd make a Grim Reaper if I knew how.

10-18-2003, 08:58 PM
damn, that's one fancy jack-o-lantern!

I love carving pumpkins, and every year i get together with my younger brother and his son to make jack-o-lanterns. My brother gets fancy and uses the templates for cool-looking designs, but i always go for the goofy, hand-drawn "traditional" jack-o-lantern. looks like my 7 year old nephew carved it, but i don't care. i had fun doing it!

10-18-2003, 10:05 PM
Since I live with two younger sisters, we carve pumpkins every year. We haven't done anything fancy (I'm artistic on paper, not pumpkins), but we do it a few days before Halloween.

BTW, Nice pumpkins! :thumbsup:

10-18-2003, 11:41 PM
I'd carve sex posistions and have them all over the neighborhood! :lmao:

Michael Moore
10-19-2003, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by Fiyerstorm
I'd carve sex posistions and have them all over the neighborhood! :lmao:

Thats one way to liven things up. :laughing: