View Full Version : Curses!

10-17-2003, 03:25 PM
In 1918, the Boston Red Sox had won four World Series titles in the fourteen years the series had existed. They won the 1918 series behind superstar pitcher Babe Ruth. Two years later, Red Sox owner Harry Frazee sold Ruth to the New York Yankees for $125,000. The Yankees had never before won a World Series.

Since then, the Red Sox have won zero titles, and the Yankees have won twenty-six. Curse of the Bambino?

In addition, the last time Boston even made it to the World Series was 1986 behind the pitching of superstar pitcher Roger Clemens. They lost the Series. Clemens later left Boston as a free agent after Red Sox owner Dan Duquette said his best days were behind him. He won two Cy Young Awards with Toronto before signing with the hated Yankees. He was the starting pitcher last night as Boston was eliminated in seven games from the ALCS.

The Chicago Cubs won the World Series in 1908, their second straight. Since then they have won zero. Their last appearance in the Series was 1945. They led the Detroit Tigers 2-1 when Bill Sianis and his billy goat Sonovia were kicked out of their box seats. The owner of the Billy Goat Tavern is said to have placed a curse on the Cubs. They lost the Series to the Tigers, and have not been back since. Curse of the Goat?

Both teams seemed near ending their curse this year. Boston overcame a 2-0 deficit to defeat Oakland in the ALDS, and Chicago beat Atlanta in the NLDS. Both LCS' went seven games. Both Boston and Chicago led in the eigth inning, five outs away from advancing to the World Series, where one of them would have to win!

Both team choked. They blew it, they lost. Curses?

Kirby of Doom
10-17-2003, 04:00 PM
Curses, foiled again! ;)

It's not a supernatural curse, it's a psychological one. Once the Red Sox win a championship, it will be easier to win another.

10-17-2003, 05:36 PM
i think people are just looking for excuses...

the curse of something or the next...

the loser caught a foul ball (what would this matter? its a friggin foul, meaning it didnt count)...

blah blah blah...

bottom line is theres always the next season... they've waited so long, whats another year/season matter?

10-17-2003, 08:15 PM
Of course. How else can you explain the sudden downturn in the Cubs' gameplay? :(

10-18-2003, 12:24 AM
Curse of the Goat? Well I always though Goat was kind of one to curse, but what does he have to do with baseball?(I was talking about our Goat here)

Master Asia
10-18-2003, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Jigglysaint
Curse of the Goat? Well I always though Goat was kind of one to curse, but what does he have to do with baseball?(I was talking about our Goat here)

10-18-2003, 01:31 AM
Methinks someone forgot to add his reply ;)

10-18-2003, 02:29 AM
Well, I asked my dad about the Cubs since he's from Chicago. He said that the main reason they never won for so long was simply because the ownership was never willing to lay out the money needed to bring in the tallent. So no, I don't think its a curse. Alex Gonzalez just made a huge error on what could've been an inning-ending dp.

10-19-2003, 08:50 PM
Bah, any curse is probably only in the mind.

I understand many sports players tend to be a little superstitious. It would have been interesting to hear about the Cubs in the World Series, though.

10-19-2003, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Cloral
Well, I asked my dad about the Cubs since he's from Chicago. He said that the main reason they never won for so long was simply because the ownership was never willing to lay out the money needed to bring in the tallent. So no, I don't think its a curse. Alex Gonzalez just made a huge error on what could've been an inning-ending dp.

But this year there was talent, and we got f*cked when we were really close to the Series. That's why I think there's a curse. But I still have hope.

10-19-2003, 08:56 PM
It's probably just the tremendous pressure both teams are under, although some could argue that's part of the curse...the curse of the curse, bleh. But living in Chicago I can say EVERYONE was obssesed with it, and that definately has an effect on the players. Everyone still <3s the Cubs anyway, though.

10-20-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
It's probably just the tremendous pressure both teams are under, although some could argue that's part of the curse...the curse of the curse, bleh. But living in Chicago I can say EVERYONE was obssesed with it, and that definately has an effect on the players. Everyone still <3s the Cubs anyway, though.

Except those damn dirty Sox fans...all 3 of them :)

Pressure could be an issue, although I still stubbornly hold on to the belief of the curse, if only to give myself an explanation for their terrific losses that doesn't involve the Cubbies sucking :D

10-20-2003, 04:50 PM
This is why I don't watch or follow baseball. Its dominated by one or two teams that ALWAYS win. It just gets boring.

Hockey, on the other hand...is dominated by 3 or 4 teams, making it so much more interesting. -_- I'm sick of Detriot.

10-20-2003, 10:25 PM
Hockey, on the other hand...is dominated by 3 or 4 teams, making it so much more interesting.

GO STARS! - Random AGN moogle in Dallas.

They almost made it to Lord Stanley's Cup last year, but they lost the battle of the super-goalies to the Ducks...

10-21-2003, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Anthony
This is why I don't watch or follow baseball. Its dominated by one or two teams that ALWAYS win. It just gets boring.

The past three years, the world series winners have been Anaheim, Arizona, and New York. The past few years we have had playoff teams from Florida, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis, Houston, San Diego, Baltimore, Cleveland.... One or two teams my foot.

10-21-2003, 06:40 PM
OF COURSE foul balls matter! what kind of crack are you smokin??? if no one caught it, then it woudlve just added a foul to the count, but if he had caught it, it wouldve been an out. thats why everyone wants to crucify that guy. :angry: i sure would be one of those people. anyone wanna help?
just kidding.....maybe. the only thing i can hope for now is that the yankees win.

A random quote:
Baseball wrong....a man with 4 balls cannot walk.

10-21-2003, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Starkist
The past three years, the world series winners have been Anaheim, Arizona, and New York. The past few years we have had playoff teams from Florida, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis, Houston, San Diego, Baltimore, Cleveland.... One or two teams my foot.

:P Its an over exaggeration, and I mean world series winners too. I'm just sore my team hasn't won since '87. :)

10-21-2003, 08:26 PM
I have never believe in "curses". That story about the Goat Tavern is very wierd. I believe magic is no more, so no the teams aren't cursed at all in my saying. Nice story BTW, did you look that stuff up, or did you have it in your head? I havn't been watching baseball lately, so I didn't have a lcue what you were talking about at the beggining of your thread. Now it all comes back to me. Anyone can make a comeback, remember.