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View Full Version : kill all enemies not working. boss key not working.

10-17-2003, 11:01 AM
two very frustrating things. one - kill all enemies trick is not working. I've set up two rooms...one where you get the "kill all enemies" item, it is a boss room with a trigger enemy in it. and the target room where i want to make a change, in the same dmap and level, with a trigger enemy and the enemy-secret rule checked, also set up as a boss room.

but the secret ALWAYS trips. even if you haven't been to the other room to get the kill all enemies item. anyone know why?

also, boss keys are just not f*cking working...the boss locks can ALWAYS be unlocked whether you have the boss key or not. is there something i'm missing? *very frustrated about both of these*

10-17-2003, 05:12 PM
The boss keys are not working perfectly yet, but the "kill all enemies trick" should work. Maybe you should check again if the dmap is the same, both screens have enemies and the "enemies -> secret" flag and the rooms are marked as "boss room".


10-18-2003, 11:09 AM
i can't for the life of me figure this out other than its some sort of bug...can anyone think of why this would happen?

i have the trigger enemy in the room. i have the enemies-secret flag checked. i have boss room checked.

then in the room with the "kill all enemies" item, i've made it a boss room as well.

but whats happening is that the secret is ALWAYS triggered in that first room. whether i've gotten the kill all enemies item or not...it just always appears when i enter the room no matter what. so the enemies-secret thing doesn't seem to be working in that room. is there a possible reason for this anyone can think of?

10-18-2003, 12:22 PM
to my knowledge the 'Kill all enemies' trick dosen't work with bosses, though I haven't tried it yet. try experimenting with normal enemies, and turning off the 'Boss Room' flag off, so that the boss works as a normal-ish enemy

10-29-2003, 10:17 AM
no..i'm not trying to have the kill all enemies item kill a boss - there is a trick i've done a bunch of times thats worked except when i needed it to...

if you make two rooms in the same level number (same D-map too i think) both boss rooms, set up trigger enemies in each, and put the "kill all enemies" item in one of those rooms...it will activate the "enemies-secret" flag in both rooms...therefor, you can essentially create an event in a room that you're not even in.

ive done it before, just playing around, with success. but can't get it to work now that i need it to.

10-30-2003, 07:27 PM
Two more things to check: 1. Do any other rooms have the boss flag on accidentally? 2. Are there any other Dmaps using the same level number? If so, check to see if any of them have boss-room-flags on them, as it is only the level number, not the Dmap, that matters.

If you rule out both of those...there may be a number of "roving bugs" still around in ZC, I think it has something to do with a bug in one of the memory-accessing routines sometimes overwriting the wrong section of memory...at any rate, there have been a number of strange bugs reported which were fixed by moving the room expieriencing the problem up or down one room. You might want to try moving each of the rooms in turn, and see if moving either one makes any difference.

BTW, if that does fix your problem, keep an extra copy of the quest with the bug in it, DN and FCF may want a copy of it (and one of the quest just after you fixed it) to help track down the roving bug.