View Full Version : Prince of Persia Flash

10-12-2003, 09:39 PM
IGN is featureing a small little Prince of Persia game in preperation for the release of Prince of Persia, the Sands of Time. It's only one level, and you only have eight minutes to beat the level, but it's really fun, especailly if you are a fan of the origional Prince of Persia.


After clicking on that link, look for the button on the right that says "Play it Now"

And by the way, if you have never played Prince before, read the instructions. They sound like a lot, but really, its nothing big.

My best time is...well...I'm still working on beating it, but it's amazing how well they ranslated the origional into flash.

J.J. Maxx
10-13-2003, 11:21 AM
Cool, it will be sweet when the full game comes out.

10-13-2003, 02:54 PM
Oy vey. I cannot find my sword. The only place for it has to be somewhere beyond the 3 cutters, but unfortunately, I'm not sure how to position myself so as not to get killed by them as I maneuver through them.

On a positive note, I was able to show up for the slaughter with the Vizier behind the door in under a minute. (It doesn't help to show up without a sword tho.)

10-13-2003, 08:18 PM
I've never played the original Prince of Persia...the movement seems kind of slow and stuff...kinda like Tomb Raider for GBC... *shudders*

10-14-2003, 01:23 PM
Anyone have any hints for getting past the second 2 blades in the passage with 3 cutters in a row?

I position myself on the outskirts of the first. I forward jump at the moment the two halves meet up to get by safely. But It looks like I'm too close to the second cutter now. If I try jumping from my landing point, then I'll jump too far and will get mauled by the third. However, if I step back 1 step, then the second cutter will stop springing, and I won't get an opportunity to get by the second while it resets.


10-14-2003, 02:50 PM
I would lovce to know how to do this myself. I never got to the point of needing to get by 3 blades in the origional prince, and this is genuinely annoying the hell out of me.

Dark Nation
10-15-2003, 09:10 AM
In the original, you could hold shift as you move, you will take a single step instead of running. I think that's how I got past the 3 blades that were in a later level in the original. Don't know if this one lets you take single steps or not.

10-15-2003, 12:31 PM
The flash allows you to single step (Shift + arrow), but I can't figure out how to position myself at that point where the second gate is still chomping, but where I can still forward jump and stop before the third gate (at which point, I can survive all three without issue, at least until I have to come back.)