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View Full Version : 115k dialup?!

10-12-2003, 03:47 AM
Okay, I know I'm going to sound like the biggest retard ever here, but I had to bring this up. I just have to.

Up until recently, I usually got 26,400 BPS (26.4k) to 48000 BPS (48k) on the dialup account we had. Well, just yesterday, we started using a new ISP... still dialup, mind you, and no changes were made to this computer (well, except updating IE) or the phone lines or anything. Earlier tonight, I was getting 12,000 BPS- suckier than ever. I decided to restart, reconnect, and see what I got. Keep in mind it's 2:30 AM here, but geez!
I am 912%, absolutely, completely, dumbfoundedly freakin' amazed! I know those of you with cable and DSL probably think this is slow as hell, but, I mean... I didn't even know if it was possible for dialup connections to be so fast, much less in our case... but there it is! And it's holding at that speed, too, and I have yet to get disconnected...
Of course, I decided right off to put this to good use. Check out the recieve rate and estimated time remaining on this 670 MB download! Usually the estimated time is, like, 32 hours for a file that size... and I've already recieved some 4MB within 25 minutes!! 4 MB! That usually takes an hour!!

I'm sorry if this is lame as hell, but I think this is awesome.. I've never, ever connected at anything like this speed before. It's like running around at 10 miles per hour, and then suddenly going 48... totally awesome.

But, I mean, I have to wonder... 12k to 115k? Surely there's something wrong with it to get speeds that different?

Anyway... :)

10-12-2003, 03:59 AM
I'm not going to mention my download speeds. I'm not one to rain on peoples' parades :)

Don't complain about it, enjoy it!

10-12-2003, 04:07 AM
Oh, by no means am I complaining... that download's already up to 9MB! This is so awesome... I might actually have this halfway finished before I go to bed. :)

10-12-2003, 05:22 AM
Alot of 56k dialup modems actually have a top speed of around 115k.

I believe Earthlink, Netzero, and possibly a few others take advantage of this for a few of their services by offering highspeed dialup(Not ISDN or DSL) with normal phone lines.