View Full Version : A dog...

10-11-2003, 02:06 AM
Three years ago, when I was about 11, for some reason I thought I wanted a dog... see, my sister had had one, but she moved out, and, well... anyway, we finally ended up getting one after a little while... female, mostly labrador, kind of largish... at first I took decent care of her, gave her a lot of attention... but over time, I did that less and less... the truth is, I don't want a dog. Dogs are great, and everything, but I'm not really a dog person, and I have neither the patience nor the skill nor the will to try to deal with and take care of one. I know this is very immature... I'd be the worst parent in the world... but anyway... we ended up deciding to give her to my brother and sister-in-law a few months ago... they have another dog, and supposedly they got along decently and everything, and things went along okay for a while... but my brother/sister-in-law live in a really, really crappy small town, and, well, they have these neighbors that have this stock of chickens... and, well, these dead, half-eaten chickens kept turning up in my brother/sister-in-law's yard...

Anyway, my sister-in-law has apparently decided that they are not keeping the dog anymore. My mother comes along and decides that, rather than send her to the pound where she might be put to sleep, we'll take her back! I know this is kind, but what the heck are we going to do? I mean, my mother's not going to take care of the dog, and my father's probably not going to; that pretty much leaves me in the same damn boat I've been trying to get myself out of for two years, stuck with a dog that I'm not taking proper care of or giving any real attention to. I feel really crappy about it, because she has to be out there alone all day and night... but I reallyreallyreally don't want to go play with her... dogs are all germy, and dirty, and it's been all muddy outside...

So basically to sum it up, I'm in the position of having to take care of a dog that I want to be happy, but I'm too much of a lazy wuss to do anything but give her food and water. I made a commitment and I didn't stick to it. To be honest, I feel like it's a really bad home for her, but I don't really know what to do. We could try to run some ads, try to give her away to someone who would make a better home... she's still pretty youngish, she was less than a year old when we got her... my father could ask around and try to find someone who might want her, he manages a pretty large store and knows a lot of people in town... but at the moment, no one's thought of anyone.

Anyway, I don't really know where this post is going... I just wanted to throw that out there, see if anyone had anything to say... and yes, I know I'm being selfish as heck about the whole thing. The dog deserves a good home and I'm not willing to take enough time away from my life to give it to her. To be honest I think the whole thing was a mistake in the first place.

10-11-2003, 10:06 AM
You're not selfish. At least you acknowledge that you can't take care of the dog and that it has to go to someone more willing. Other people would just neglect the dog, forget about it, but you're trying to find a place for it to go.

Have you tried looking for a Humane Society in your area? They don't put animals down, and will surely find a good home for the dog. I got my cat from our local Humane Society.