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View Full Version : Davis is gone

10-08-2003, 12:37 AM
Looking at the website, it shows that 55% of Californians are getting rid of Gray Davis. Took long enough. He shouldn't have even won the election. Schwarzenegger is in the lead by far. Everything is looking good, to me anyways:laughing:

10-08-2003, 12:57 AM
I wish I could have voted :(

Schwarzenegger (wow, that is hard to spell) seems to be a good candidate. Only time will tell, though :shrug:

10-08-2003, 01:12 AM
The recall election was a waste of time and money. It makes no sense to complain that a government official is making no progress, then encumber him for months on end with an impending recall election. Perhaps the only thing this recall election shows is that any politician with enough money can get his way; and its true. Its called buying access, votes, and even governer's seats.

The recall also makes clear one of the problems of democracy; that voters do not pay enough attention to government affairs to have a thought-out position. Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate of democracy, but that's how it is.

Most of the younger voters likely chose Arnold (1) because he's an actor and (2) because, compared to the old, drab politician look of Davis, Arnold is much more attractive. Most people may deny it, but it is certainly a trend that the better-looking, healthier candidate is seems to always win public opinion. After all, how many people who openly criticize Davis can give a specific argument as to why he did such a bad job in the first place?

10-08-2003, 01:28 AM
Arnold will definaly get things done. The question is whether or not those things will be good or bad. I'm sure that he will do good though, he's definately a people's kind of guy.

10-08-2003, 01:52 AM
Grey Davis, 2002: 47% of the vote.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, 2003: 51% of the vote.

Enough said? :)

carrot red
10-08-2003, 02:30 AM
Yes, it is. A landslide victory and women voted for him despite all the allegations.
All jokes put aside, he's a very good businessman and is not *just* muscles or else he wouldn't have gotten where he is now in such a short period of time.

10-08-2003, 09:15 AM
Arnold is a god...

I'd so vote for him just cause he is a bodybuilder hahaha....I dont care about politics at all. As long as I have a car, food and a gym to goto I dont give a rats ass about anything else.

But arnold would be cool ;) Get him to be PM of Canada...at least he speaks better english then the current PM...heheheheh. Hell crieten cant even speak french.

J.J. Maxx
10-08-2003, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Tsukuru
After all, how many people who openly criticize Davis can give a specific argument as to why he did such a bad job in the first place?

If bullets were cheese and your post were made of bullets, you'd be a.... nevermind.

Besides tripling the car tax and allowing illegal aliens to get driver's licenses? One thing Arnold said he would do is to bring the car tax to it's original level. I've heard a ton of specific thing Davis has done that the people did not like at all. I must have some sort of different news oulets in my part of the universe.

10-08-2003, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Tsukuru
After all, how many people who openly criticize Davis can give a specific argument as to why he did such a bad job in the first place? Energy Crisis, 38 biliion defecit, allowing immigrants to get licenses and workers comp driving out business to name a few.

10-08-2003, 11:38 AM
Clearly, the people thought Davis was mismanaging the state, which is sensible if you look at such things as the energy crisis which cost California a bundle.

And I think many may have voted for Arnold not because he was an actor or famous, but because he seems not to be political. They didn't want another professional politician and thought Arnold could change things.

And it seems clear to me that Arnold is more than just a mass of muscles. He has ideas on some things to change the way California is run.

That said, he has a very daunting task ahead of him, and as has been noted, he's not the Ronald Reagan some might think he is. And so I will keep watch and see how well he does in the days ahead. Because I think he may be capable of setting California on the right path, but it's not an automatic and he has much to overcome.

Time will tell how well he does.

10-08-2003, 03:33 PM
It's worth pointing out that in the last election there was only a 30% voter turnout, whereas the Recall supposedly had a record high.

10-08-2003, 04:57 PM
And oddly enough, Jesse Jackson was still wanting to bring legal challenges on the basis that people weren't able to get their votes counted, despite the estimated 70% turnout.

10-09-2003, 03:14 AM
The process is called wiping a budget.. where you get rid of all of your programs (including education) and rewriting all with the upmost in efficiency. I had to do the same for student council when I was elected :D

Arnold will most definitely get things done. He's new, and has the best advisors in the world. He's also republican. What more is there to say?