View Full Version : BIG boss treasure chest...

10-04-2003, 04:33 PM
Ok...i'm at wits end trying to make a big treasure chest...always something wrong that i can't quite anticipate...maybe some of you have secrets you're willing to share...let me know!

here's what i've tried -

got the boss lock and boss lock two combos to change from regular unwalkable tiles to slash combos with the armos item flag underneath...but that doesn't quite work, cause you can only use one undercombo per screen. *sigh*

so i can place a "sword" combo over the other tile of the big chest, but unfortunately that is there from when you enter the screen, so if you hack away at the chest even before you can unlock it, it will still show the secret combo of the open chest.

any thoughts?

Mr. Z
10-04-2003, 05:23 PM
Ok, there are 2 ways (Wel, maybe more) to make the big treasure chests.

1- The layering way
The 2 upper tiles should be placed like the treasure chest is already open. But on layer 3 or higher you should place another combo, I'll explain what it should be like.
the upper left tile should look like it's closed and it should be a "lock block" combo. the combo that it changes in after being unlocked (the next combo) should be a blank combo.
The same goes for the upper right tile.
Then only left are the 2 lower tiles.
They should look like the bottom of the chest.
Both tiles are lock blocks and change in a tile that looks exactly the same but acts like a non-solid combo.

So if you unlock it you will be able to walk right trough it. And the tiles on layer 3 disappear, making it look like the chest opens, revealing the item hidden under the layers.

2- The secret tile way
This way is a bit easier but makes you unable to have other secrets in the room.
The upper tiles should look like the closed chest, but their combo type is overhead.
place flag 16 and 17 on them, changing them into the open chest tiles.
Don't forget to make the combos solid first.
Then the 2 bottom combos, both are lock blocks.
But when you unlock them they change into perm/temp triggers.
Stepping on them makes the upper tiles become open so you can get the item, get it?

I once posted this at another board.

10-05-2003, 12:53 AM
Also, multiple undercombos are possible. Just make it a slash tile and set Secret Tiles to be whatever UC you want. Then just put the appropriate flags there. When you slash, the secret combo will show up as opposed to the UC. Just remember, that if you have a trigger on the same screen, they will show without being slashed.

10-05-2003, 09:06 PM
maybe i'm confused, and i suppose i'll have to do some testing??? but i thought combo properties didn't work on layers...and if thats true, how can i put a lock block combo on layer 3 or above? and if a combo is ON layer 3 or above, wouldn't link just walk under it anyway? thus making it so the chest is always open but with an overhead of a closed chest?

and as far as the slash trick...the flaw with that method in this instance is it ruins the boss lock block trick, because you can slash it at ANY time, even if you dont have the boss key. that was what i couldn't get around with that method.

10-05-2003, 09:11 PM
Combo properties aren't possible on layers, but that doesn't mean secrets and secret-style combos can't be used on higher layers. Once a secret is activated on layer 0, secrets on other layers are activated. The lock block 2 combo is a good example.

10-07-2003, 09:57 AM
hot damn...jewilikers and such...maybe this is a bit rhetoric but that all makes my life so much easier to know! thanks guys.