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10-04-2003, 11:10 AM
Woohoo, inori now has an internet connection, so he's posting from Japan! The cable guy came earlier today and hooked me up, so now I'm set to go!

So what's happened to me so far? I arrived in Japan on September 10, at about 9 PM local time. (This was after my flight left Kansas City at 9 or so in the morning on September 9.) I got met at the airport by about six people from my school, and we all went out to eat. The next day, I had to be at the school where I work by 8:30 in the morning. Talk about jet lag... Fortunately, I didn't have to actually teach for a week or so.

I really like my work here. The kids are really fun to work with, though they aren't quite over the "OMG, it's an American" phase yet. The last two foreign teachers at my school were girls (one British and one Irish), so my first week, the most popular question by far was "Do you have a girlfriend?" Especially since about 2/3 of the students at my school are girls. And yes, they do wear uniforms, and yes, the uniforms are mostly like what you see in anime (though the skirts are a bit longer, you perverts :naughty: ). I've learned to recognize students at my school by the uniform.

Speaking of anime, I haven't been watching much yet. My TV is on the fritz, and I haven't acquired a new one yet... working on it, though. I have been reading Inuyasha manga, though... let's just say that those of you who are watching on CN are missing a few things.

My Japanese seems to be coming back somewhat okay, though I'm still a bit rusty. Reading is a struggle. Talking on the phone in Japanese frightens me to the point that I make one of the other teachers at school do it for me whenever I can.

Well, anyway, I'm here now, and back online... finally. Anything anyone desparately wants to know about Japan?

10-04-2003, 12:18 PM
Whoa! Welcome Back inori, from Japan!

Do u like any of the school girls? :naughty: j/k

J.J. Maxx
10-04-2003, 12:57 PM
Wow, I must say I envy you, man. I'll probably never leave the US and see and experience other cultures. But I'm glad your back and I want to see pictures of your school and where you live and cities and things! I hope you have a camera! :)

Welcome back, we misssed ya. ;)

Kirby of Doom
10-04-2003, 01:08 PM
Japanese is so cool!

Too bad there's no anime channel here that shows in Japanese with subtitles. :shrug:

10-04-2003, 01:11 PM
Congrats man! It never thought about being able to turn on the tv and watch anime as regular programming. Neat. :)

Have fun!

10-04-2003, 08:09 PM
That's great! I hope you have a great time there.

Do you speak Japanese?

Drunken Tiger
10-04-2003, 10:57 PM
Stop stalling inori.. and go find Aki Kawamura for me.. :D How hard can it be.. Japan is a smallish island.. ;)

10-04-2003, 11:25 PM
I just know that once in my life...I'm goin' to Japan.
It's really cool being able to talk to your friends back in America when you're thousands of miles away. Good to have you back online Inori. :)

10-05-2003, 01:34 AM
Wow, I was wondering about you. Don't spend too much time on AGN; go out and have fun in Japan. You'll regret it otherwise.

10-05-2003, 07:10 AM
Let's play "check all the checkboxes and reply to everyone"!

Originally posted by Crazy_Link
Whoa! Welcome Back inori, from Japan!

Do u like any of the school girls? :naughty: j/k

Uh, actually, one of the first things the principal warned me about was not to date the students. It's not a problem: I'm more worried about the students going after me than the other way around.

However, one of the teachers is pretty cute... ;)

Originally posted by J.J. Maxx
Wow, I must say I envy you, man. I'll probably never leave the US and see and experience other cultures. But I'm glad your back and I want to see pictures of your school and where you live and cities and things! I hope you have a camera! :)

Welcome back, we misssed ya. ;)

I have a camera. It's part of my cellphone. The cellphones over here are ridiculously well-equipped. Expect pictures at some point. :thumbsup:

Originally posted by Kirby of Doom
Japanese is so cool!

Too bad there's no anime channel here that shows in Japanese with subtitles. :shrug:

Be glad you have the subtitles... it's an uphill fight for me without them.

Originally posted by gdorf
Congrats man! It never thought about being able to turn on the tv and watch anime as regular programming. Neat. :)

Have fun!

Very neat. Now all I need is a TV that works reliably... :cry:

Originally posted by linkofzelda1
That's great! I hope you have a great time there.

Do you speak Japanese?

On good days, yes. On bad days, I speak some kind of horrible mixture of Japanese and English that isn't recognized by speakers of either language.

Originally posted by Drunken Tiger
Stop stalling inori.. and go find Aki Kawamura for me.. :D How hard can it be.. Japan is a smallish island.. ;)

Japan is four islands, and they aren't that small when you only have a bike. Besides, if I find her, what makes you think I'm going to send her to you? I'd rather keep her myself. :blah:

Originally posted by Linkafier
I just know that once in my life...I'm goin' to Japan.
It's really cool being able to talk to your friends back in America when you're thousands of miles away. Good to have you back online Inori. :)

Cool. If that once in your life happens anytime soon, PM me and come visit! (That goes for anyone else, too, BTW...)

Originally posted by ICHBINDASWALROSS
Wow, I was wondering about you. Don't spend too much time on AGN; go out and have fun in Japan. You'll regret it otherwise.

Oh, I intend to... :naughty:

10-05-2003, 12:26 PM
WOW, Inori. I'm so jelous:cry: I am in love with Japanese culture and I am dying to go to Japan. I hope you have fun as a teacher over there because teachers (I heard) have really long hours.

BTW, what do you teach?

10-05-2003, 02:01 PM
Nice to see you back. Japan looks fun, I'm sure I'll go over there someday on tour. That would be pretty cool.

10-05-2003, 05:28 PM
OMG! YOU AER IN JAPAN!! aaaaaaahh!h!Hh!!!

Dude, that is SO awesome man! I can't even begin to explain how awesome that is! I want to become an architect, taking my first semester right now in fact, so I know that I might be flying to a lot of places and get to see a lot of cultures. It sounds like you are having one awesome time, just experiencing another culture is an adventure enough for me. Hope your time in the land of the Rising Sun is great and awesome and stuff!

10-05-2003, 09:31 PM
Thread Title:
Didja miss me?

No. No I did not.

10-05-2003, 10:18 PM
Finally, we hear from the inori.

Play some Beatmania IIDX while you're over there for me :) ...

10-06-2003, 12:54 AM
Welcome back inori! Can't wait to hear more and to see some pictures :D