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carrot red
10-04-2003, 01:46 AM
What Are You Envious Of?
What Makes Others Envious Of You?

I don’t think I envy people, or that there’s something that special about me that would make me envied.

However, I truly do admire people who have artistic talents: Painters, dancers, stage actors, opera/classical singers and so on. And I wish I had a creative mind that could somehow convert most of my thoughts into physical things.

How about you?

10-04-2003, 05:46 AM
the first thing that came to my mind is art/anime... i wish i culd draw anime as good as what i see on tv, but i cant...

as far as others being envious of me? thatd be news... :-/

10-04-2003, 08:39 AM
I guess when I look at other people and see how successful they've been socially. They have things that I want to have... more friends... a girlfriend... At some point I guess I chose to develop my intelect more and let my social side go... Now I guess I'm kind of envious of those people...

10-04-2003, 10:27 AM
I think people would envy me because, well...i think it would more a feeling of jelousness because I was the first one in my grade to get my liscence...

Yeah carrot, I think you would envy me because I sing, play the clarinet and guitar so.... And I'm sure other people would envy me because of my talents.... I never really thought of this until now.

Heh, there are just [i]alot[i] of things that people take for granted, including me...

10-04-2003, 05:54 PM
Hmm, probably just people who can draw really well, especially anime. I always get ideas for pictures and I can never draw them, it's annoying x_X And people who can sing.

10-04-2003, 06:13 PM
I envy those with high alcohol tolerance.

Also, people who have high self-confidence are those I look up to.

10-07-2003, 08:11 PM
Envious suggests that you would partially willing to take it from someone else.. Eeehhh.. Lemme think..

I envy many people's spiritual walk the most perhaps.
I do desire the ability to draw well in anime and realistic styles.
Anything else? Hmmmm....

Are you taken yet Carrot? *wink* (You knew I'd come back as flirty as ever, right?)

10-07-2003, 08:18 PM
I envy how some people can carry on a conversation really well, and I think perhaps people envy my luscious calves.

10-07-2003, 09:55 PM
I'm envious of people who have a lot of good friends.

I think the only thing of mine people could want is my brain.

carrot red
10-08-2003, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by TheGeepster
Are you taken yet Carrot? *wink* (You knew I'd come back as flirty as ever, right?)
Yes, I never doubted that. : )
Got to ask dad that question, Geepa. It seems my judgment has been a tad faulty lately and not to be trusted. I'm grounded.
Dad is doing the dating in my place. *shrug*

10-08-2003, 04:52 AM
I'm envious of people who can speak Japanese more fluently than I can.
Alex-kun is envious of me because I'm in Japan and he's not. :blah:

10-08-2003, 09:11 AM
Envious? Hmz if by that you mean what does someone have that I really really want I would have to say nothing really. I dont know what someone else has that I couldnt have eventually. I want o look like Markus Ruhl but im not envious.

I don't think people are envious of me. I suppose some could be but I don't know. Nothing really special about me, I cant draw or have any musical talents. I'm just happy all the time (because I prefer to be stupid and not think ;)) Course I can bench high amounts of wieght and the like but would someone relaly care enough to be envious of that? O of size? I suppose, I dunno.

I do currently have a container of cranberry juice sitting beside me and you al know you want some...BUT TOO BAD!!!!

10-08-2003, 11:31 AM
I'll just have to make sure I bring my Official "Conservative Republic" card, as well as the official seal of approval from the Baptist Convention, Carrot.

You know he does it 'cause he loves ya too, right? Fatcatfan is a good fellow in my book, even if he's a bit overprotective.

I also figured out that I'd love to be able to play music very well.

10-08-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by TheGeepster
I'll just have to make sure I bring my Official "Conservative Republic" card, as well as the official seal of approval from the Baptist Convention, Carrot.

and lasagna. lots and lots of lasagna

10-08-2003, 12:06 PM
I have an AP Java class 7th period. I am so freakin behind. I'm still on the "change" program, while everyone else is doing arrays. By the time you read this, we'll be well into it already, and moving on. I'll still be on the change program, and everyone else will be doing.... something. Then, I'll be sitting in front of the PC, staring at 12 lines of code for a change program, and everyone else will be sitting the AP Java Exam in May. And then I will cry. (It's on my AP Java checklist. :shrug: )

I also want to draw as well as C-Dawg, PrinceMSC, and *b*. They're just amazing at what they do. I'm almost there, but not quite. I'm doing proportions so far. Well, at least I'm trying. :shrug: I won't be able to do anything in Java, at least not for a while. BTW, I wasn't really exaggerating in my first example. :shy:

carrot red
10-08-2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by deathbyhokie
and lasagna. lots and lots of lasagna
Just why lasagna, hokie? Mom is not Italian and the frozen ones dad gets are ok.

(And I only eat the lasagna my granny makes.)

Clueless Blonde
10-08-2003, 06:23 PM
Someone once told me they wish they had an ass like mine... 'twas a bit odd. :rolleyes:

I'm envious of other people over many things.
-Guitar players
-people who can speak another language
-people who carry on conversations with strangers easily
-pretty people

10-08-2003, 06:26 PM
I don't really envy anyone. I am satisfyed with who I am. Well, I guess I envy Batman, he had that badd ass cave and his car OH MY!!! Batman rocks!

I don't feel I have any traits or talents that people would want *shrugs* if I do someone should inform me.