View Full Version : There comes a time...

10-03-2003, 11:05 PM
...in every Dexter's life, when we find a MIDI file that inspires us. Texdex found a reggae song, and then was possessed to make the Island quest. Just recently I found a song by a band I hold in high esteem, and seeing as I have no other use for MIDI files, I would like to take this time to say that I am working on my first quest. And, if all things go well, I should finish it sometime before the heat death of the universe.

carrot red
10-04-2003, 01:39 AM
Just before the heat death of the universe? No problem, I thought it was gonna take you longer.

Is it by that German group you like so much?
How about some details, or you don't have a storyline yet?

10-04-2003, 10:41 AM
Details... Should have 4 dungeons, yes, it's by WIZO, and I'm looking at an overworld of about 25 screens.

Story line: Ganon decides to have his evil twin brother Gannon try his hand at battling Link because Ganon never wins.

EDIT: Another detail I'm intending on having is all German text. It's not going to impact the story at all, I just want to be the first one.

carrot red
10-07-2003, 02:52 AM
Come think of it, I remember playing a quest where the text was in German. Why not make Link pay for the translated info?

10-07-2003, 07:36 AM
Because that would suck. :eyebrow: .. Heh. Do what you want, ICH. I wish you luck with the quest. ;) But remember, if you're going to build a quest around a midi, you'll need much more luck than you'de think. I recommend putting a midi around the quest, rather than the quest around the midi. It's just easier that way.

So do you have a plot or anything? Is there a tileset that you have in mind? I recommend the Pure set. .. That's pretty much all I have to say.

10-07-2003, 03:32 PM
If someone already did it, then I'll just go for English text.

I'm using the BS tileset because it has a special place in my heart, and I love doing the rocks because they present a challenge.

I have a screenshot from a related project I gave up on a while back, and intend to use such cinematic beauty in the construction of Ichland.


10-08-2003, 08:24 AM
:lol: From Eckland to Ichland, the BS set has got it all. :D Heh.

So what kind of plot are you going to be introducing? And be sure to check the ZQuest help section frequently. It'll be invaluable to your efforts, even if you don't intend on using many tricks.