View Full Version : Nuclear North Korea

10-02-2003, 03:54 AM

"The United States and its allies are trying to persuade North Korea to give up its nuclear programs. The North says it will do so only if the United States signs a nonaggression treaty, provides economic aid and opens diplomatic ties."

Nearly ten years ago, during the Clinton administration, Jimmy Carter negotiated an agreement with North Korea that gave them nuclear power plants in exchange for promising not to make atomic weapons. Now we know that they never had any intention of abiding by that agreement, yet they expect us to give them economic aid and a nonagression treaty for them to get rid of the nukes they promised they wouldn't make?


10-02-2003, 08:06 AM
Foolish, foolish ... country. :sweat: Well, there are some people who just want to get their way, no matter what it takes. Thusly, there must be some countries that act in a similar foolish fashion. It will bite them in their tail, you will see.

10-02-2003, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by Britannianhero4
Foolish, foolish ... country. :sweat: Well, there are some people who just want to get their way, no matter what it takes.

I take it you're referring to the United States?

carrot red
10-02-2003, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Breaker

I take it you're referring to the United States?
I surely do hope not.

I read almost the same thing but shorter in Yahoo! News.

We can pay them all the money we want, but that doesn't guarantee that North Korea still won't sell to the highest bidder. North Korea is run by the military, not the civilian government. Any money that goes to North Korea, therefore, goes to the military and the people who head it.

Appeasement will not work. Just because we give them money does not mean that they will abide by the agreement not to sell or make more nuclear (which they said they're doing already) or WMD.

War will not work. Even if we were to wipe out the top officials of the government, the casualties among the civilians and our troups would be very high.

Diplomacy is the key. This is going to be tough.

The US cannot send a message to North Korea or to the rest of the rogue nations that nuclear weapons means appeasement. This is a dangerous precedent.

J.J. Maxx
10-02-2003, 11:09 AM
There is nothing we can do. They have the technology and they're making bad things right now. We can't physically stop them because that would cause a war and it does seem like they frelling care about previous treaties. I will tell you all right now..

...this is going to get alot worse before it gets better. :(

10-02-2003, 05:02 PM
If it isn't Germany, it's Japan. If it's not Japan, it's Russia. If it's not Russia, it's Vietnam. If it's not Vietnam, it's...

There's always going to be someone threatening world peace. This North Korea scare will blow over.

10-02-2003, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Starkist
Nearly ten years ago, during the Clinton administration, Jimmy Carter negotiated an agreement with North Korea that gave them nuclear power plants in exchange for promising not to make atomic weapons. Now we know that they never had any intention of abiding by that agreement, yet they expect us to give them economic aid and a nonagression treaty for them to get rid of the nukes they promised they wouldn't make?

Well it would be better to give them economic aid then having nukes pointed at us, now , wouldn't it?

10-02-2003, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Meatwad

Well it would be better to give them economic aid then having nukes pointed at us, now , wouldn't it?

You're kind of missing the point here. According to N. Korea's track record, we would wind up giving them aid and having nukes pointed at us. That aid would probably wind up going towards the production of said N. Korea's nuclear weapons program. Thats why we froze what aid we were giving them to begin with, they were stupid enough to come forward about their nuclear weapons project that our 1994 agreement barred them from.

Of course, we're the united states, so we're not trustworthy.. The only thing we can assure them is swift brutal retaliation. The ABM treaty is one situation where our president has proven himself to unilaterally withdraw from past agreements when it becomes convenient. The N. Koreans won't hold to any agreements, and they expect us to be equally respectful to said agreements, so to expect the N. Koreans to give up their nukes willingly or to bargain with them with non-aggression pacts isn't likely to solve the problem.

The only recourses is to either get other countries with better diplomatic track records to deal with N. Korea, or we invade. Right now N. Korea has been pretty much thumbing their nose at everyone else at these multi-lateral talks, including S. Korea. They only want to deal with us, but its doubtful they will trust us and we can't trust them.

And of course the majority of our ground forces are locked up in the occupation of Iraq.

There is no clear solution right now.. and if North Korea is actually close to producing nuclear weapons, by the time we can implement a solution, it will be too late.

10-07-2003, 08:28 PM
I'm not certain how to read the actions of North Korea, except that it is obvious that Kim Jung Il is crazy, although I'm not quite sure if it's "crazy like a fox" or just plain mad.

If I heard rightly though, they were promised some nuclear power facilities (one incapable of producing weapons grade material, however) to help out with their situation towards the end of Bush, Sr's presidency. This were delayed then eventually canceled by Clinton's administration. So some of this may have been brought on by past dealings.

Someone confirm this for me, it's been a while since I've read this.

10-07-2003, 10:41 PM
I honestly dont see what everyone is so afraid of. North Korea has 6 nukes and has never tested detonation. I doubt they even know how to use them.

carrot red
10-08-2003, 02:54 AM
Originally posted by Meatwad
I doubt they even know how to use them.
As if that is hard to learn.

10-08-2003, 11:22 AM
Point. Click. BOOM!

The idea of someone who seems as unstable as Kim Jung Il having control of such destructive weapons is clearly something which must be handled, because the potential and even likely consequences are very significant, especially considering Kim Jung Il's reputed goal to reabsorb South Korea back into itself.