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09-30-2003, 05:05 PM
A long time ago, they made these books on popular Nintendo games called "Worlds of Nintendo." They were sopposed to tell you the story behind the game and give you hints for it as well. Does anyone else have any of these books? I own the Ninja Gaiden and Metal Gear books. I haven't finished eithey yet (mostly because i'm lazy. They're simple 4-5th grade books.) but from whit i've read on the Ninja Gaiden book, it seems true to the game.

EDIT: CRAP! That titles sopposed to say "Worlds of Nintendo"

09-30-2003, 05:09 PM
Dunno about those but I have the Officially Licensed OoT novelization book!

09-30-2003, 05:48 PM
I have a Blaster Master book that may be from the series your talking about.

09-30-2003, 05:53 PM
I have the Castlevania II one somewhere. At least, I think it's of that series. It's reasonably accurate, though Simon converses with monsters and doesn't travel alone.
I hate the "outer" story, though: Kid plays Castlevania a lot (this is before the sequel is made), somehow goes to the game's world, where he accompanies Simon through Castlevania II, and after they beat Dracula, he goes back to his world and tells Nintendo about his great game idea. Bleah.

Originally posted by Fiyerstorm
Dunno about those but I have the Officially Licensed OoT novelization book! Nice. Does it differ much from the game?

09-30-2003, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Saffith

I hate the "outer" story, though: Kid plays Castlevania a lot (this is before the sequel is made), somehow goes to the game's world, where he accompanies Simon through Castlevania II, and after they beat Dracula, he goes back to his world and tells Nintendo about his great game idea. Bleah.

lol I loved that book. I wish I still had it.

09-30-2003, 10:31 PM
Dont think I know of them. I have some Nintendo Adventure books. I have 12 of them, which were choose your own adventure type stories.

10-01-2003, 12:18 AM
Heh, I think I used to have the Mega Man II one :D I always wanted the Bionic Commando one tho.. Unless I am thinking of something different, but I don't think so.

10-01-2003, 01:44 AM
I had the ninja gaiden one.

Assuming it's the same series.

hmm I never throw anything away I might still have that book somewhere.

10-01-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Grasshopper
Dont think I know of them. I have some Nintendo Adventure books. I have 12 of them, which were choose your own adventure type stories.

Yeah, I never had any of those Worlds of Nintendo books either, but I have the two Legend of Zelda Nintendo Adventure books. I love those! They were so fun to read.

I actually have two of The Crystal Trap - one is my original which I went through and wrote in and the other is one my friend gave me two years ago that is in mint condition! (no pages missing, spine is perfect, no puzzles solved)

10-01-2003, 02:38 PM
The only reason I liked those books at all was because they were so bad, it was funny... Ninja Gaiden was TOTALLY messed up... Mega Man 2, I forget what happened in, Shadowgate, Metal Gear and Infiltrator I've never played, Blaster Master was also pretty askew... Oh, and Castlevania. That was just a joke.

I don't think they're actually approved by Nintendo, I think both The Castlevania Dungeon and... Uh, that Ninja Gaiden site... well, I think both mentioned that F. X. Nine recieved no permission from Nintendo, Capcom, Konami, or whoever else, to make those books, and it really shows.