View Full Version : Historical Figures

carrot red
09-29-2003, 09:58 AM
If You Could Fight Any Historical Figure, Who Would It Be And Why?

Adam and Eve (thanks a lot for ruining everything for us!!) :tongue:

I'd say Karl Marx, Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot...

There are too many to list, but anyone who violates basic human rights and civil liberties past or present would be on my hit list.
(I don’t consider Saddam or Bin Laden to be historical figures.)

09-29-2003, 11:19 AM
Wow, you really love these threads, don't you! :kawaii: :D :laughing:

I think that I would fight my History teacher. (I AM aware of the thread, thank you very much...) He has been very influencial, and I hear he's a pretty good fighter. Get it on, Mano El Mano, Dragon Against Teacher... DEATH TO HOMEWORK!

09-29-2003, 01:18 PM
Well, it depends on the fight. Person to person, hand to hand, I'm not sure I would stand a chance against many historical figures. They didn't become historical for nothing. What about a battle of wits, or strategy, or army to army? How about chess? A game of chess, fighting to the finish, against Sun Tzu sounds fun.

09-29-2003, 01:34 PM
I'd kick Hitler's ass with a paintball gun and some marbles.

09-29-2003, 03:38 PM
I'd take on Ghandi. He's needed an ass beating for a long time and I'm the guy who wants to give it to him.

09-29-2003, 04:28 PM
Well, I'm not too prone to violence, but if I were given the choice and the will to, I would probably fight Hitler too. Considering that my ancestors were considered "inferior" to him would probably give me the will to go against him one on one.

Now, considering that I'm not too strong, I would probably need something to smack him around with. I'm fast enough, but I'm not strong enough. I could probably just use just my fists if I was angered enough. Y'know, now that I think of it, I'm like the Hulk. If I get angered enough, I probably could do some damage.

I try not to resort to physical violence, but If I would ever have to, I would. There were probably a whole bunch of times I could have, but I didn't.

09-29-2003, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by carrot red
I'd say Karl Marx, Lenin,...

There are too many to list, but anyone who violates basic human rights and civil liberties past or present would be on my hit list.

Marx was an advocate of civil liberties, that's what the whole thing was about. He was an idealist who had no idea how reality works. Socialism is a utopian concept, human nature keeps it from working.
Lenin actually believed in socialism, he didn't start the oppression that we now associate with the Soviet Union, that was Stalin. Don't get me started on Communism, I did a research paper on it last year...

Anyways, I'd take out the Roman Emperor who supported Christianity, for giving birth to the Catholic Church and serving only to assist in sending the Roman Empire right down the toilet and begining the Dark Ages.

09-29-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Axel

Marx was an advocate of civil liberties, that's what the whole thing was about. He was an idealist who had no idea how reality works. Socialism is a utopian concept, human nature keeps it from working.
Lenin actually believed in socialism, he didn't start the oppression that we now associate with the Soviet Union, that was Stalin. Don't get me started on Communism, I did a research paper on it last year...

Anyways, I'd take out the Roman Emperor who supported Christianity, for giving birth to the Catholic Church and serving only to assist in sending the Roman Empire right down the toilet and begining the Dark Ages.

Socialism is a backwards and evil concept created to placate stupid people by making them feel important, while at the same time oppressing the rational and competent people of intellect and talent.

I'd like to kick the shit out of Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler...actually, I pretty much want to kick the shit out of everyone except people who agree with me on everything. Actually, I pretty much want to kick the shout of everybody except myself. Yeah.