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View Full Version : What was that game?

09-24-2003, 01:50 PM


Ever play a game a really long time ago, but you can't remember what the name of it was? Just send them an email with as much as you can remember about the game, and they will message you back with the correct game....almost every time.

Neat, huh?

09-24-2003, 02:59 PM
:O I've been trying to remember the name of a game for a while now. I'll go e-mail them. Hopefully I remember enough about it for them to know it.

09-24-2003, 04:16 PM

I sent in a description for a game, but it looks like someone else beat me to it cause I found it on their game list.

09-24-2003, 07:00 PM
wow, this is really uber cool. Someone should send them a description of a fake game or something, or an RM2K game, just for kicks. :D