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carrot red
09-24-2003, 04:28 AM
If You Could Describe Your Life As A Board Game…
Which Board Game Would It Be And Why?

Because I know exactly how I think life, love and everything else should look… only it comes out so scrambled and not *quite* looking like the image I have in my head. But the scrambled ness is still funny and I just keep trying.

09-24-2003, 04:46 AM
I would have said "Dungeons and Dragons", but now that I've moved out of my parent's house and have no food money, it would be something more along the lines of "Hungry Hungry Hippo".:)

09-24-2003, 05:19 AM
Grape Escape. I don't know how this applies to me, but I like a board game where you control a little playdough guy piece, who can get squished, cut in half or sawed down the middle...

They need more violent board games targetted towards children, like the one above.

I guess the one board game that might fit me is that parcheesi knock off "Sorry!". Getting knocked back down by misfortune, with only the cheerful "Sorry!" of those around me as consolation for my miserable lot. Though it really hasn't been so miserable these past 6 months.. maybe I'm finally starting to get my pieces into the winning positions.

09-24-2003, 05:48 AM
Dispite the 'smart' answer of Life, I'd have to say Balderdash. I tend to be on that level that people can only guess what I mean. And when they do, they get to move forward 3 spaces.

09-24-2003, 09:35 AM
Porno Password, for those of you that have seen The Cable Guy :rolleyes:

09-24-2003, 10:48 AM
omg Cable Guy is the best jim carey movie..... all you Cable Guy haters.... DIE! Anyways, my life as a board game eh? I choose Yahtzee!! I'm aiming for like a triple yahtzee but it seems impossible...

09-24-2003, 11:08 AM
Pass the Pigs (http://members.tripod.com/~passpigs/whatisit.html)? A game involving a mix of skill and luck, working to get ahead without over-extending and suffering a setback

Master Ghaleon
09-24-2003, 11:59 AM
Chuttes and Ladders -

In my life, I can get far but I have to watch my step because something might get in the way and drag me back to the beggining. Therefore I have to start completly over again or have to backtrack.

09-24-2003, 02:20 PM

My life is just a jumble of things that don't seem to go together untill you look at who I am.

09-25-2003, 02:37 AM
100,000 piece puzzle.
Complicated, not easy to understand all the time, the whole thing is pretty/interesting/amazing, but it takes a long time to piece together...:shrug: I'm bored. ;P

09-25-2003, 03:25 PM
Monopoly, alot of my life seems to depend on my own willingness to be assertive and manipulative to get what I want. Many of my setbacks involve my own miscalculations, and a great deal of bad luck. My life seems to be a long string of irritating situations, but very few major setbacks.

09-25-2003, 05:14 PM
Trival Pursuit

I always think I'm ahead, but then there's always one problem that gets in the way, and I can't answer it.

Either Trivial Pursuit or Candy Land, anyway.

09-25-2003, 05:24 PM
TLOZ: The Board Game. :naughty: Heh. No, probably not.

I would have to say Chutes And Ladders, because that's the only game I know. :sweat:

09-25-2003, 05:29 PM
Chess. Complicated. Lots of thinking and planning involved, which often gets screwed up by other people, deliberately or otherwise.

A truly great game.

09-25-2003, 05:49 PM
Checkers. It's a wannabe chess.

I'm always wishing I was older, or smarter, or better-looking, or more tactful, etc. etc.

Originally posted by ICHBINDASWALROSS
A truly great game.

So does that mean you're a truly great person?

09-25-2003, 06:02 PM
No, that was supposed to be an unrelated statement about Chess.

09-25-2003, 06:24 PM
Boggle. Duh.