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View Full Version : what would you rather play in a quest...

09-21-2003, 06:58 PM
ok, here are some ideas of mine to include in a quest and i'm just wondering what people think & which one they would like best:
--A dungeon where its kinda like ganon's tower, where you have to like get rid of barriers, or step on different switches & upon doing so, a special event, such as a the center tower's barrier being destroyed, occurrs
--A dungeon where you must find & defeat 3 or 4 "special enemies" & when you do, you gain access to another part of the level
--A collection of "skulltulla tokens" or something; i'm thinking maybe i could make the "kill all enemies" item the skulltulla tokens & hide like 10 of 'em in very secret spots throughout the quest & using boss flags & such, make it so that if the player finds them all, they get a "special prize"
--A collection of 3 Medallions that you must collect in order to gain access to a new area of the overworld before proceeding; might possibly be necessary to complete the game in addition to collecting the triforce pieces

Using boss flags, events, trigger enemies & kill all enemies items, i might be able to pull off one, maybe two of these special "sidequests" to make the game a little neater--which would you guys, as players, like to see most?

09-21-2003, 07:02 PM
As a player, I would like to see skullatulla tokens.. If you could pull that off and tell me how to do so, I could just add those to my next quest.. :p

carrot red
09-21-2003, 07:47 PM
I'd go for 1 and 4.
It should be very interesting, if you could pull that off.

09-21-2003, 09:12 PM
I may just use that skulltula token idea. That's not half bad. :)

Mr. Z
09-22-2003, 05:05 AM
4 is exactly what I'm doing in Tgottd :p
And I like ther idea of 3, thuogh it's a bit complicated. ^_^

09-22-2003, 05:46 AM
I'd like them all.:) Though 3 is very time consuming.

09-22-2003, 07:44 AM
Aye. I would choose 1. It seems to be one of those "cool" things to do. But wouldn't it be harder to do, what with the amounts of triggers that you'de have to do? I mean, you would need AT LEAST one force field tile, and 6 or 4 switches to spawn, which would be hard, unless you're forced to tackle each test one at a time, before any of the others are available. (AKA, multiple scenarios of the same exact scenes.)

10-03-2003, 04:21 PM
I would choose all of them...

10-03-2003, 09:06 PM
I think if you combined 1 and 2 in one level you could get a really kick @$$ final dungeon. That would be good for if you want more puzzles and objectives in lv. 9.

10-07-2003, 09:20 PM
i'd probably take either 1 or 2 because i know how to do the others.

...and i thought IDK wasn't making any more quests?

10-07-2003, 11:48 PM
There are all fine ideas, but banal. Monkies hanging under trees from strings tied around their tails could come up with those gems. "Collectible items? Wow!" It's not so much the post suggesting them that alarms me, but how many people jumped online to post "WOW! THATS A 733+ IDEA! IMA USE IT IN MY NEXT QUEST!" This is akin to walking up to someone and announcing "I use SOAP when I'm in the shower!" and then watching four or five gibbering idiots stop drooling long enough to tell you what a great idea that is and that they will be sure to try it next time they get near the "person-sink".
