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carrot red
09-20-2003, 08:23 PM
Dinner Party Guest List - Any Ten People Who Ever Lived.

You're having a dinner party. You can invite ten people from any time, any place in the history of the planet.

So who's on your guest list,
and why do you want to meet these people?

09-20-2003, 08:55 PM
1. Bill Gates- How is it like to be wealthy?
2. Shingeru Miyamoto- Nintendo's God :laughing: It'd be interesting to discuss how he got his video game ideas...........:evil:
3.My half-sister- I'd like to meet her for the first time..She looks pretty cool..I'd just wish I could meet her in real life.
4.Best friend, Chabedi- Met in first grade....we were buddies until I moved..uh uh...I mean transported.....:worried:
5.George Washington- Fighting to establish our country..what could be more brave than that?
6.Mystery person who saved my life...- it was 1997 small child sinking in the lake...teen saves live.....
7.J.K.Rowling - Harry Potter...you gotta' love it ;)
8.Martin Luther King Jr. - Without him, me and Chabed would have never met....different schools.....bummer :(
9.Osama Bin Laden - So I can shoot his @$$ out of the cieling! :angry:
10.Saddam Husien - see 9.

Master Ghaleon
09-20-2003, 08:58 PM
Well, being close to my family and because my step father died this year. I would invite 10 family members so we all would be reunited back together again to eat around the table one last time.

Dennis (RIP)

Plus me - David ;)

09-20-2003, 09:09 PM

Jesus (My Lord and Saviour, God incarnate)
Plato (Best. Philosopher. Ever.)
Siddharta Buddha (Get an Eastern point of view)
Ben Franklin (Such a wise man)
Winston Churchill (Saved Europe)
George Washington (Courageous and noble)
Karl Marx (Communism is good on paper)
Leonardo da Vinci (So creative)
Joseph Campbell (Who knows more about archetypical literature?)
Carrot Red (Someone to talk to when the geniuses leave me behind)

Master Ghaleon
09-20-2003, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Starkist

Jesus (My Lord and Saviour, God incarnate)

I thought Eckels was our god :eyebrow:

09-21-2003, 02:18 AM
1. Breaker
2-10. The top 9 most infamous idiots banned from AGN

It'd be fun to watch, no?

carrot red
09-21-2003, 06:10 PM
-Cleopatra (to find out what it was about her that drove men crazy.)
-Helen of Troy (just to get to know the real cause of the Trojan War.)
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (the musical genius that played the piano at three.)
-Monet (my favorite impressionist painter.)
-Buddha / Jesus (the conversation between the two them might prove very enlightening.)
-Lord Byron / William Shakespeare (minds unfettered by consensus.)
-Isadora Duncan / Mikhail Baryshnikov (great dancers.)
-Leonardo da Vinci (brilliant mind, innovative thinker.)
-Jon Bon Jovi (a real cutie, to sing for us.)
-Pierce Brosnan (my date.)

09-21-2003, 08:29 PM
Clones of myself at different points in my life..... or 10 hookers. Really, gathering up all of history's greatest people at one would be awkard and pointless. Imagine the conversation

George Washington: So, Plato, How are the potatoes?
Plato: oh, there great, here want some?
George: Oh know, I was just curious
Plato: oh ok alright then
(awkward silence as silverware clicks on plates etc)
(Goerge passes gas)
(extremely awkward silence)
Jesus: well, uh, (scratches head)I had better get going...
it just goes on from there

09-21-2003, 08:45 PM
1.James Hetfield- I need help with lyric writing

2.Lars Ulrich- I need help wiht Double bassing

3.Cliff Burton- It's a dream of mine to meet the Jimi Hendrix of Bass

4.Kirk Hammet- He seems like a good space filler (only kidding!)

5.Jason Newsted- I'd liketo meet him and thank him for 10 great years of Metallica bass

6.Bob Rock- I'd like to hear his philosophies on music and such

7.Rob Trujillo- I'd like to get all three Metallica Bassists together

8. Nobou Uematsu- obvious Reasons

9. Mozart- Well duh.

10. Bach- I would love to see his organ playing skill.