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09-18-2003, 10:28 PM
I've been playing the the rom for the Famicom game Sweet Home, an RPG capcom released on the Famicom in 1989.

This game is excellent. The setting is certainly unique for an RPG in that it takes place in a haunted mansion, and centers on these five hapless people who are trapped in it and must escape before the hostile supernatural forces kill them.

The cool thing about this game is that you have 5 characters who are like your typical RPG character with their own items and stats, but you can control them separately as you move through the mansion. Each one also has a unique tool item that is required to get past certain areas, like one of the characters has a lighter which is necessary to burn things.

The cool part is that you need these characters in tandem to solve puzzles and survive, essentially. If your character gets caught in a hopeless battle, they can call for help, at which point you take control of one of the other characters as you rush to the original one's rescue. You can also form parties by teaming up characters, with parties of up to three characters. Also, each character has two item slots and a weapon slot, as they can pick up items, drops items, and use weapons or replace them with better weapons.

And then your characters can die, meaning that when one character is dead, they're gone, but the game continues. I haven't played this game to the end or had all of my characters die, but I imagine the game ends when all 5 are killed. There are also replacement "tool" items scattered throughout the mansion that you can use in case a character does die(you lose access to their tool if they do). I imagine though that if you can't get past a certain part without a certain character because you can't get a replacement tool, you'll have to start over.

I've also heard the game has multiple endings, depending on how many of your characters survive. And as can be expected from such a game, the setting is sufficiently creepy, with eerie music, horrific(as best as the NES can do) looking enemies, and some pretty graphic depictions. When a character dies, it shows their body pressed against a wall in a bloody mess, before they slide to the floor, leaving a bloody trail where their face and hands were pressed to the wall.

Theres also apparently some kind of sub-plot behind the former occupants of the mansion, but I've only found trace hints as what went on. If anything, its going to make me want to play this game through to get it.

Theres actually a translation patch for the rom, translating it into English, which is how I'm able to get into it and understand whats going on. It can be found in the translations section of http://www.zophar.net. As always, rom distribution is prohibited, so I can't provide anyone with it here, in the case you're interested in playing it. Another thing to note is that the gameplay and setting had a big impact on Capcom's Resident Evil. As I said, Sweet Home was developed and published by Capcom. Its also based on a Japanese horror movie by the same name.

09-18-2003, 11:25 PM
That description sort of reminds me of Maniac Mansion by Lucasarts where you had 3 teenage characters and had been going seperately through a mansion collecting items and solving puzzles and you could get caught by the people in the house. heh sounds like a fun Famicom game, probably wouldn't have had a chance to come over here if the material is as gory or violent as you describe. Did you take any screens?

09-18-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Mak-X
probably wouldn't have had a chance to come over here if the material is as gory or violent as you describe. Did you take any screens?

I think its a fine game by itself, but the fact it had some promotion in the form of being based on a film at the time of its release probably helped its sales in Japan.

And then you have the fact RPGs were nonexistent and unpopular in the US.

And then again, its content was probably too graphic to be released in the US without some serious editing, which would've ruined the atmosphere of the game.

I imagine the game is pretty obscure, even in Japan, so its probably never going to be released again, and certainly not in the US. The only chance any of us will have to play it in English is through a hacked rom.

09-19-2003, 12:47 AM
Yeah, it sounds a lot like Maniac Mansion. And I love Maniac Mansion, so I might check this out..;)

09-19-2003, 01:02 AM
I have played both games, and while there are similarities in the concept, they both play quite differently. Also, Maniac Mansion has that Lucas Arts type of humor, whereas Sweet Home is pure horror(however well this is achieved with the primitive specs of the NES).

Also, as I mentioned, Sweet Plays most like an 8-bit console RPG. I actually forgot to mention the comabt, but you actually encounter random enemy battles throughout the mansion, with the combat being menu driven and the view of the enemy being first person. Your characters will gain EXP and go up in level as they defeat enemies, allowing them to do more damage and take more damage. You never encounter more than one enemy at a time however. And certain enemies are especially susceptible to some of the tools your characters are carrying, meaning that you might actually have to call that certain character for help in defeating some of the enemies.

I could take some shots, but I don't any webspace to upload them to. Here's the webpage for the patch, it has some screen shots. http://gaijin.parodius.com/Sweethome.htm.

Master Ghaleon
09-23-2003, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by KJAZZ
Yeah, it sounds a lot like Maniac Mansion. And I love Maniac Mansion, so I might check this out..;)

Fucking right!

I dont think I ever played a more awesome and tripped out game then Maniac Mansion. Some of the characters in that game just sucked though. I think Dave was the one that was the most useful in the game. Did anyone ever own the booklet with the secret decoder thing? It was a 3d red strip which you had to place over it to read what the hints were.

09-23-2003, 09:59 AM
Shut up.
It's bad enough I'm still addicted to Bahamut Lagoon and Secret of the Stars.

09-23-2003, 02:41 PM
how is that bad bahamut lagoon is freaking awsom

09-23-2003, 06:16 PM
If you want, I could host some picture for you, Daark.

09-24-2003, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by stormwatcheagle
If you want, I could host some picture for you, Daark.

Nah, the translation website I linked to has images, in case anyone is really interested in this game.

I've just about made it to the end(I think) and the game lived up to my expectations in terms of a creepy sub-plot that explains and enhances the horror setting in this RPG.

And its been a completely refreshing RPG experience as well, at least for NES rpgs.

And stop making the allusions to Maniac Mansion... that was a comedy ADVENTURE game that took place in a mansion that wasn't populated with the supernatural, and Sweet Home doesn't even play like Maniac Mansion at all. This is an RPG that resembles more a survival horror game than a contemporary Lucas Arts adventure game.

To sum it up, if you loved Maniac Mansion, you may or may not like this game. The gameplay concept resembles each other, and theres a mansion involved, but thats it as far as the similarities go!