View Full Version : Help with Chris Miller - Lands Of Serenity

09-16-2003, 03:01 PM
I don't know how many people have played this game, but it's possible that I'm the only one who may be stuck....or is this a bug in the game?

The thing is that I've completed 4 dungeons and to make a long story short, now I'm stuck in the darkworld and can't access level 5 anymore(which I already started) which is in the lightworld. Is there a way to get back to the lightworld without having to start all over again? It seems to me that I'm stuck forever. If you are reading this and saying " I don't know what to do" is there a way I can contact Chris Miller himself? Let me know, thanks.

09-16-2003, 03:04 PM
You can find Chris Miller (Going by the name Chris Miller, of course.) at www.zcnetwork.net. Good luck finding him. He shouldn't be too hard to find.