View Full Version : For those interested in Ninja Gaiden......

09-11-2003, 07:08 AM
I took a look at Cinematech, G4's game cinema & footage show, and they were showing gameplay footage of Ninja Gaiden(first footage they showed, aired yesterday at 10:30p). Here's what was in it:

-In the beginning it showed a person who looks like Conan the barbarian sitting, and then stands up as Ryu approaches. The barbarian guy whips out a nunchuck and starts performing some wicked moves.

-Ryu has a move similar to Shinobi's tate combos where he flies/dashes to an enemy and cuts them down in a fraction of a second. Then the enemy would pause briefly and die. The only difference was that you didn't need the 5+ enemy requirement and there was no dramatic scene, Ryu just did it.

-You do fight against ninjas. It only showed two types: one wearing a brown outfit and the other wearing white.

-The stages are various from what I can see. At first it shows Ryu fighting in a huge library. He sees a crack in the wall. Goes to the menu screen, selects a throwing dagger, and throws it at the wall. The dagger explodes creating another route.

-Another scene shows him running around what looks like a European setting. Nothing much.

-A scene also shows him reaching upper areas with multiple wall jumps. He also clings to walls(it only showed him doing it for a second though), and was running along walls.

-The last scene shows him entering "Ninja Fortress". Inside there's a puzzle. A samurai statue is missing a face piece. He finds it and gets a key. The demo ends.

-Remember the trailer from this years E3? Where that red female demon comes through a glass window? There's a brief clip showing Ryu there fighting a bunch of demons. Same as the purple one you see in various videos, but their color is brown.

-Remember the trailer from last years E3? Where a bunch of ninjas are surrounding Ryu in a small room? It show some of that too. Nice lighting from the windows. At one point he cast a fireball spell and a ninja dodges it.

Well, that's it. I was mainly posting this for Mottzilla, just in case he couldn't see it.

09-11-2003, 01:12 PM
Heh thanks. I can't download any footage these days. =( I can't wait till it comes out. I plan on getting an xbox before it does come out.

09-11-2003, 05:12 PM
Darn. I wish it was coming out for GCN. Ninja Gaiden was one of my favorite NES games when I was little. I played it all the time. And I only buy one of the next gen systems. Any thing else is out of my price range. Besides, There really aren't any other games I want for other systems.

09-11-2003, 05:37 PM
Ninja Gaiden is going to kick ass...

/me hugs his Xbox

09-11-2003, 05:41 PM
Ah, Ninja Gaiden. I own the cart and the rom. I can never beat Act 2. When I get an X-box, I plan on buying Ninja Gaiden with it as well.

Question: I heard somewhere that the Ninja Gaiden Ryu is the same one in Dead or Alive. Is this true?

09-11-2003, 06:22 PM
Question: I heard somewhere that the Ninja Gaiden Ryu is the same one in Dead or Alive. Is this true?

Yes. They're both made by the same company.

Now the BoF Ryu, he's another story...

09-11-2003, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by stormwatcheagle
Question: I heard somewhere that the Ninja Gaiden Ryu is the same one in Dead or Alive. Is this true?
Yes. If you've seen their last names in both games, which are the same BTW, it's not hard to figure out. Both DoA and Ninja Gaiden are also property of Tecmo, so that's another giveaway.

09-12-2003, 12:28 AM
Screenshots would be nice..;P

I think I know someone who's going to get it, so I'll probably see it if he gets it when it's released..I don't have an Xbox..:shrug:

09-12-2003, 12:47 PM
If the fact that they are both called Ryu Hayabusa doesn't give it away I don't know what will. ;)

09-13-2003, 01:36 AM
I heard this was gonna be a diferrent hayabusa anyone know if the games have any story connection.

09-13-2003, 02:35 AM
Wrong. It's still Ryu Hayabusa, however it falls in the category of the arcade game, and the sega master system game, and the gamebot game. Only the NES Ninja Gaiden games were connected.

Last I heard there was no word on if the game would take anything from the NES story.

09-14-2003, 12:36 PM
Are any of the ninja magic in the game? The boomerang shuriken would kick so much ass if it were in the game. :) Imagine killing scores of enemies with just one shuriken, just like in the old games. That would truly be badass! :)

09-14-2003, 04:40 PM
Electronic Gaming Monthly and Gamers.com had a interview with Tomonobu Itagaki on Ninja Gaiden

Itagaki is asked about its relation to the NES games if you want to check it out. And in the sense of things, apparently Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive take place in the same world/universe.

In this interview mainly about DOA, Itagaki talks a little about Ninja Gaiden.