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09-11-2003, 01:53 AM
It's hard to believe that two years ago, we witness something that we first thought was out of a movie scene. We, as a nation, saw two symbolics structures in the Twin Towers, two buildings that generated much tourism in New York City as the Statue of Liberty, come crashing down in a very surreal moment. Many of our enemies thought that they had brought us to our knees, but instead roused an anger in us that brought down two terroristic regimes...


I am just commemorating September 11th, 2001...

09-11-2003, 04:25 AM
Well.... Hard to believe it was TWO years ago.... Feels like it was this winter....

09-11-2003, 12:06 PM
Now I just wanna have a moment of silence.


09-11-2003, 12:11 PM
We had a long moment of silence over the PA system at school today. Lasted about 6 minutes. Then my 1st period teacher showed us piccies of her lost loved ones. Sad, that.

09-11-2003, 02:17 PM
It doesn't feel that long ago. I can still remember that afternoon that I heard about what happened. I was eating lunch with my frineds and the restaurant had the radio on listening to it. By the time we got back to school, almost everyone knew.

What i found strange, is that it wasn't even mentioned at all over the PA today. I figured they'd have a moment of silence, I guess not.

I send out my condolences to any member at AGN who was unfortunate enough to have a loved one lost in the attack.

09-11-2003, 02:46 PM
Ditto to Ians last comment.

I watched it live, Because at the time, I was in the library and thats the only place that there is cable in our school.
It was horrific. It's hard to believe it was two years ago today...

09-11-2003, 03:03 PM
I woke up late that day. I was up the night before on a phone call that lasted over four hours.

I got up and clicked on AGN as I passed by my computer. The first thread in GD was, "TWO PLANES JUST CRASHED INTO THE WORLD TRADE CENTER TOWERS" with the red :-o face next to it.

I didn't click on it. I had just woken up. I wasn't in the mood for a prank.

I clicked IE shut and walked downstairs (still living in my parents place in NY at the time). My mom was standing in the kitchen staring at the TV and just as I got there, they were showing the footage for the first time of the first plane hitting.

I don't remember how long I sat there, or much of anything after that.

*lowers his head*

...such is life.

09-11-2003, 03:09 PM
I was in period 5 (we had block schedule then). I had technolody edu. for that period. Well we were working on a project, then all of a sudden my teacher (Mr. Wright) said he was gonna turn on the TV because his friend (on his cell) told him there was an airplane crash or something... So he turned it on Ch. 13, then as we (the class) saw the first biulding get hit, we all saw the other one get hit... and saw both of them collapse. Its really a frightning thought. Or a sad one. We had a moment of silence for 5 minutes on the PA.

09-11-2003, 03:28 PM
According to my school, today is now going to be dubbed 'Patriotic Day'. As for if this is true, I don't know. We plegded to the flag at nine in the morning, which was one of my study halls, so during it we all watched footage of the crash, and memorial documentaries and stuff. We pretty much did that in all of my classes...

09-11-2003, 04:30 PM
I like reading the reactions that we had at the time.


09-11-2003, 04:32 PM
On Guam, we're a day ahead of everyone else in the US, so it happened on September 12 for us. The best I can remember is noticing some news my family was checking out early in the morning. That was when I saw one of the planes crash on TV.


In school, we had a mass to commemorate those who died and the families of the victims, as well as those who went and helped them out. The priest leading the mass mentioned in his homily how his godmother was one of the victims who died.

09-11-2003, 05:02 PM
I wasn't even registered when that happened. But if I was, you could've been sure that I would've posted about it. That's amazing though. I was around when a major event occoured. But I would've wanted to be a good event, like the first human on Mars or something, not the beginning of war.

I remember that day, though. I was in 7th grade. The day had just started. I was in class, and then the teacher's classroom phone rang. This is what I remember:

Teacher: Hello?
...... .....
Teacher: That's terrible!
....... ...... ..... ..
Teacher: Oh no!

Then for the rest of the day, our class was wondering what happened. Then when I got on my bus, we werent allowed to listened to the radio because the bus drivers were afraid we'd get scared. When I got home, My mom had the TV turned on and they showed the images of the towers and the planes.

Right now, my dad has the televiosion on, and they're commemorating the event. Stuff like this shouldn't happen. Our world today is a world filled with war and hatred. Perhaps humans shouldn't have gained knowledge we possess now.

09-11-2003, 05:33 PM
After it happened, time flew by fast.

It's already 2 years..damn.

09-11-2003, 06:11 PM
Didn't bother me at the time, as insensitive as it seems...now, though, I get goosebumps every time it's mentioned.

I was an asshole 2 years ago. I can't believe that I didn't react at all :(

carrot red
09-11-2003, 06:38 PM
It’s hard to imagine that anything could ever fill the void left by the Twin Towers.

09-11-2003, 08:02 PM
I still get upset when they mention the event. I guess I am a little cold when it comes to mourning, mainly because it didn't directly affect me, so I only got the reaction that one would get if somthing bad happened somewhere else in the world. I too, look back and see that I wasn't very nice and supportive when it happened.

I never knew or saw any of the 3000 who were killed, nor have I ever been to the World Trade Centre(Or New York for that matter), but what I do see is somthing that makes me even more sad: Continuous violence towards innocent people in the name of whatever Diety you use as an excuse. Many have died, and many more will die. My heart now goes out to the families not only who have been grieved by september 11, but to all those past, present, and future who have, and will lose loved ones in attacks.

09-12-2003, 03:04 AM
Originally posted by Ian
It doesn't feel that long ago. I can still remember that afternoon that I heard about what happened. I was eating lunch with my frineds and the restaurant had the radio on listening to it. By the time we got back to school, almost everyone knew.

What i found strange, is that it wasn't even mentioned at all over the PA today. I figured they'd have a moment of silence, I guess not.

I send out my condolences to any member at AGN who was unfortunate enough to have a loved one lost in the attack.

Heh, I remember when it happened. Me and my friend had been out.... I don't remember why, though. And when we got home to my friend, his father were standing extremely close to the TV, and was like "jumping". And said! Terrorists! They just blowed up the WTC, and we were like; Whatever.... (We didn't really know what he meant), but we started playing on the computer. And we though, maybe we should check the news.... We did and then, well.... We knew.:darkmage:

09-12-2003, 04:26 AM

AGN Witnesses 9/11 (http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7869)

Drunken Tiger
09-12-2003, 04:44 AM
Seriously, this is just one of those things that follows you.. By the time we all are old and withered, i can still imagine feeling that it was just recently... I still dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing...


09-12-2003, 04:54 AM
Originally posted by Drunken Tiger
you forgot to include our Allies... ;)

i dunno if i shared my story yet, but when this happened, you all know i work at a hotel, so, cancelled flights, and running both vans to and from the airport for the better part of an hour...

and then people tried to spike prices of gasoline, misc items, hotel rooms (i was pissed at the GM for trying to get 109+ for rooms, what an idiot...)

yea, then i called my bro, woke him up from a dead sleep, and told him to turn on the tv... surreal indeed... never had i been glued to a tv like that before...

anyways, i did watch some of the services on CNN yesterday, they were ereading names of victims and relatives from the Twin Towers...

i have a couple pics SOMEWHERE from both Towers and views from the top... i damn sure hope they didnt get lost when my parents house burnt down...

if i can ever find em again, i WILL post them...
