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View Full Version : custom "enemies"

09-08-2003, 07:59 PM
1. Gopher: Here's an interesting idea; you make an animated combo that looks like a gopher that you can bash over the head with the hammer--give him the "pound" combo type--now, you can make a bunch of cycling combos so that the gopher appears to burrow underground & when he is underground, have the combo be a normal type (or "undefined") The next combo in the combo list from the gopher combo should be some sort of the combo where the gopher appears harmed or stunned, then you could even have this combo cycle back to the normal gopher combo--alternately, you could make it so that the combo after the "pound" combo is a "slash->item" combo so that first you must stun the gopher, & then you could slash it with the sword to get items from it

2. Deku baba plant: Make a bunch of cycling combos that collectively look like an animated deku plant but make it so that each combo cycles very quickly from one to the next & every other combo should be either a damage 1 combo or a "slash->item" combo; the combos should cycle so fast, that its as though the combo properties "blend" so that the deku hurts you but also can be killed with the sword (yes, i've mentioned this b4 but i want to reiterate it, especially for people who haven't seen it) You could also even throw in a "statue" combo to the mix so that the deku shoots fireballs at you but there have been bugs where the fireballs still keep coming even after you slash the combo

3. standing wizzard--good for rooms where you must use the magic wand & where there's lotsa magic prisms--basically, you cycle this btwn damage, wand mirror +, & slash->item combos so that you can kill it, but it will also hurt it if you touch it & also it can reflect your magic that you may shoot at it--also, try placing magic flags on them instead of having the slash combo in there so link can only kill it via the magic wand

...more ideas will come from me later...anyone else?

09-08-2003, 09:42 PM
4. Deku scrub: pops up using the next: feature, you hit it w/the arrow or somat like that, but if you get to close (using pits) they wont come out.