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View Full Version : Farscape IRC Vigil

09-06-2003, 03:52 PM

10:00 PM Eastern Time

Be there. :)

09-06-2003, 04:00 PM
/me looks at Starkist's post...

i wonder if you like Farscape?

i have better places to be... like sleeping...

09-06-2003, 04:03 PM
Too bad I don't like Farscape...have fun, I guess.

I'll be in bed. :)

09-06-2003, 04:15 PM
Wouldn't this be better suited to alt.dork?

09-06-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by mikeron
Wouldn't this be better suited to alt.dork?

Someone with an interest in the greatest science fiction television series of all-time is to be considered a "dork"?

09-06-2003, 04:25 PM
I would argue that Star Trek is the best Sci-Fi series. It essentially started the genre, and hasn't been cancelled yet. Farscape isn't bad though.

09-06-2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Breaker

Someone with an interest in the greatest science fiction television series of all-time is to be considered a "dork"? I guess "vigil" sounded too much like "wake", and I was picturing people around the world with black armbands embracing posters and letting out a wail, while chatting.

09-06-2003, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Breaker
Someone with an interest in the greatest science fiction television series of all-time is to be considered a "dork"? the 'greatest sci-fi tv series' is a matter of opinion...

if it was so great, it wouldnt have been cancelled...

Originally posted by mikeron
I guess "vigil" sounded too much like "wake", and I was picturing people around the world with black armbands embracing posters and letting out a wail, while chatting. techically it is a wake, because the show is dead...

09-06-2003, 04:30 PM
If there's gonna be obessed freaks attempting suicide on cam cause Farscape was cancelled, I'm there.

09-06-2003, 04:32 PM
hell yea... nothing like people ridding their worthless selves from the gene pool...

09-06-2003, 05:00 PM
Someone with an interest in the greatest science fiction television series of all-time is to be considered a "dork"?

Someone with opinions differing from yours is considered flamebait?

09-06-2003, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Gerudo
the 'greatest sci-fi tv series' is a matter of opinion...

if it was so great, it wouldnt have been cancelled...

Well, Farscape was cancelled too...

09-06-2003, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Pablo

Someone with opinions differing from yours is considered flamebait?

How would you intrepret that? Did someone mention "flamebaiting", or are you like our friend here who would refer anyone who enjoyed a form of television that was different from his own tastes as a "dork"? Do something more constructive with your ass instead of using it to post on AGN.

Originally posted by Gerudo

if it was so great, it wouldnt have been cancelled
techically it is a wake, because the show is dead...

And do you know why it was cancelled? Did it have anything to do with the fanbase that would validate your assanine assumption? No, sorry. The production costs were considerably high and they refused to go for anything less.


Over thousands of dollars collected in funds spread across various campaigns and a memberbase of 5,000 that has been acknowledged and credited for their amazing on-going effort by Farscape cast/crew alike. Dead? Hardly.

09-06-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by stormwatcheagle
Well, Farscape was cancelled too... *PLEASE* tell me you have just a little bit of common sense as to what you quoted me on, was referring to... -_-

Breaker: all i said is that it was cancelled, i didnt feel like giving a reason, and therefore i didnt make any 'assanine' assumption... unless you were talkin abut me saying its dead.... well, its not alive, is it? ;)

09-06-2003, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Gerudo
if it was so great, it wouldnt have been cancelled...

Sounds like an asinine assumption to me. What do you think Breaker?

09-07-2003, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Gerudo
the 'greatest sci-fi tv series' is a matter of opinion...

if it was so great, it wouldnt have been cancelled...

Um...good shows die all the time. Family Guy? Futurama? Those were great shows, but were canceled for one reason or another. Same with Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Please, don't disgrace that FLCL avatar...

09-07-2003, 01:49 AM
well you seem to take to your avatar and title all too well there, Alex... so i guess you cant really disgrace that can you? besides, you know me, im not likely to 'go with the flow', that'd be too easy... if you dont want to see me associated with this avatar, go to my profile and disable it... :thumbsup:

but yknow, im tired of seeing things like 'omg farcape owns ass0rz' or 'yea, farscape is awesome'... you Farscapers are so caught up in your little cult, that as soon as someone says they dont like it, they are either wrong or ridiculed... (or banned from chat, whatever the case maybe)...

the only reason i say the opposite of what you guys say about Farscape is because its fuckin hilarious to see the reaction... im not likely to go over to 'teh dark side' or whatever you guys call it...

i can also defend myself without having others assist in backing me up... (Hey Alex, see my custom title and sig message?)

09-07-2003, 02:12 AM

OK...I'll bite, seeing as I'm the apparent target of Gerudo in that last post...

Originally posted by Gerudo
well you seem to take to your avatar and title all too well there, Alex... so i guess you cant really disgrace that can you? besides, you know me, im not likely to 'go with the flow', that'd be too easy... if you dont want to see me associated with this avatar, go to my profile and disable it... :thumbsup:[/i]

The avator bit was me trying to tell you to drop the whole thing. And I'm not one to go with the flow either? Who is the 'other' person alyway getting banned from chat (albeit for short times)? (HINT: It's me) And as for my avatar, it's a joke, since I'm always the one who comes up with the retarded comment or thinks the stupidest stuff in #agn. Notice though that I'm ususally back in #agn within a few minutes. What am I doing that you aren't? Well...let's see...

but yknow, im tired of seeing things like 'omg farcape owns ass0rz' or 'yea, farscape is awesome'... you Farscapers are so caught up in your little cult, that as soon as someone says they dont like it, they are either wrong or ridiculed... (or banned from chat, whatever the case maybe)...

the only reason i say the opposite of what you guys say about Farscape is because its fuckin hilarious to see the reaction... im not likely to go over to 'teh dark side' or whatever you guys call it...

So you piss people off for your own personal amusement, eh? It's fine when you are like me and do it occationally. I try to offset my blatent retardedness with something different (Say something stupid, get ridiculed, link to a story on slashdot, have intelligent converstion about that). You almost always seem to be ad odds with Breaker over something. Jesus christ, it kinda reminds me when Darth Cronic and I were at odds with each other, him always being in the peanut gallery always trying to piss me off. And I did the same with him. I (we?) grew up, though. When will it be your turn?

On another note, assuming that you weren't doing it just to piss people off, bashing ANYTHING makes ANYONE look more than slightly immature. I have been guily of this many times, and you don't want to know the number of times I've changed my mind after casting away my initial assanine opinions and generalizations. It's just better to say something sucks for a reason, and to respect the fact that other people might like it.

i can also defend myself without having others assist in backing me up... (Hey Alex, see my custom title and sig message?)

I can defend myself quite well on my own thank you. See? And quite frankly, you don't really come off as a badass. Sorry bud.

And Gerudo, if you want to continue this argument, please PM me. I probably should have PM'ed this to you anyway, and I think we've ruined this discussion enough. I apologize to the forum patrons for having to wade through this drek.

09-07-2003, 02:27 AM
the last comment wasnt directed toaward you, Alex... also, i hadnt mention #agn (which im banned from as far as i know, i last checked at roughly 10pm, has it changed yet?)...

and what does growing up have to do with someone acting like a jerk, and me having a problem with it? he's not likely to change into a nice guy anytime soon, im not likely to 'just drop it'...

my apologies as well for ruining this topic, Alex and i have continue'd this in chat...