View Full Version : Enemy flag list?

09-03-2003, 09:32 PM
Does anyone have a list that shows what enemies are connected to what enemy flags?

Do these flags make the placed enemy stay on the area that you flag out for him, meaning can you set up a pattern with flags for him to follow?

I want moldrim's to walk a certain path in my quest, and another problem is they just walk right over the side of a bridge even though it's a no walk tile and on layer 0.

the text file doesn't go into too much detail about these flags.

09-03-2003, 09:39 PM
alright, here's how enemy flags work:
1. place the flag, such as "enemy1" flag, on the screen where you want the first enemy in your enemy list to appear--example, if you set the first enemy to be a blue octorok, then the octorok will appear on the "enemy1" flag.
2. If an enemy is set like the previous example but no enemy flag is placed for it, the enemy will appear randomly
3. If multiple enemy flags of the same kind are placed, only one of them, the furthest to the top & to the left, will be the one where the enemy will appear; other than this, having multiple enemy flags of the same kind has no real purpose
4. Certain enemies (like bosses such as the aquamentus) will disregard the enemy placement flag & will just automatically appear in a preset place or in a random position according to their specific behavior
5. You cannot set the walk pattern or behavior of any enemy--sorry :(

09-03-2003, 10:21 PM
oh ok....
I looked at your tutorial before I posted, you might add this to it unless you have since I snatched my copy :O)

sure would be nice to set enemies in patterns :O)

09-04-2003, 05:40 PM
Oh, and just to tell you. Molderm is a flying enemy in Zelda 1. It ignores all terrain on the screen and just walks randomly around.