View Full Version : The Sequel to In Need of Title! It's... In Need of a new Link!

08-30-2003, 02:05 PM
Same concept as In Need of a Title. I'm no good at making my own sprites (except making changes to them, like rearranging pixels to make something look more life-like. =/ ) and I need some help with a group of link tiles. I was hoping someone could make me a whole set... yes, a whole set... =( of new link tiles, not OF Link, but to replace him. I was looking for a guy with some spiky hair (like Cloud's from FF 7) and a sword holster on his back (like teenage Trunks, from DBZ...). This is will be needed to be compatible with ZQuest 1.92 Beta 182 and it should use the PureV2 Tileset Pallettes (as I can't ever recolor things, I suck at it...). Anything would be appreciated.

Thanks for anyone who takes on this challenge, I wish them good luck... =(

J.J. Maxx
08-31-2003, 11:38 AM
Try this. (http://www.purezc.com/index.php?page=tiles&tile=122)

Or this. (http://www.purezc.com/index.php?page=tiles&tile=134)

Or even this. (http://www.purezc.com/index.php?page=tiles&tile=26)


08-31-2003, 09:05 PM
Not exactally what I'm looking for, but that's alright. BH4 is currently working on a set for me. Thansk anyway! ^_^