View Full Version : Video games don't kill people....

08-29-2003, 05:40 PM
People who get too involved in their games do.:p


Aye, people and their games.:shrug: I mean, would you really have a game control you like that? This is why responsibilities are evil.:D

08-29-2003, 05:45 PM
According to NWAOnline.net, messages posted to a site run by a group called Spouses Against EverQuest under Mary Christina Cordell's name suggested that the game was "addictive" and was in part responsible for her divorce: "I feel sorry that people get wrapped up into this and destroy their relationships. I just hope that one day they will wake up before it's too late and realize they are alone with no real friends and their family is gone."

I laughed out loud when I read this part. I can't believe the parent was so negligent as to leave her kid in a car while she went an leveled up. I'd totally pk her if I was still playing.

08-29-2003, 05:53 PM
And with no ventilation! Now that's one irresponsible botch. And this.......

Spouses Against EverQuest

Are there really that many people who lost a spouse to a game like that? Something else must be going on for them to ignore the spouse, if ya know what I mean.:p

08-29-2003, 05:57 PM
I'd just get my own comp, and my own EQ account, and meet them in there, and have "the EQ sex" on there with em'.

The ladies love 3d rendered men. :naughty:

08-29-2003, 07:25 PM
I love it when video game users don't have accountability for their own actions.

Aegis Runestone
08-29-2003, 08:09 PM
I hate it, these people shouldn't be allowed to OWN the games, if they're that stupid. :p

08-30-2003, 03:22 PM
I bet she was just scapegoating on EQ, I bet she was REALLY looking at porn! I bet it's just another perverted scheme to make video games look bad, because kids like them so much. The real problem is porn, and the people who pass off their porn addiction as video game addiction to cover it up. I bet that all those people that say that they are addicted to VGs are REALLY addicted to porn. This is why video games get the blame for everything, yet porn goes largely unnoticed.

Kirby of Doom
08-31-2003, 09:40 PM
I could understand some other game, but how could someone want to play EQ? ;)

Ok, now everyone don't jump up and try to kill me! :scared:

I tried my 30 day free trial and I didn't like it. Anyway, I guess that was a little off topic.

Lone Wolf
09-01-2003, 06:07 AM
Games are just a immaculate way for people to have fun and take some stress outta life, as they alow you to do things you may never be able to do in a life time, like win the Superbowl or save the world from evil.

If that woman is dumb enough to ditch her responsibility of life and family because of games, then that is truly sad. We can't blame games for the simplicity of some people. While we know we all will pay for it sooner or later as people need to find a fault besides there own ignorance.

09-01-2003, 03:30 PM
How the heck is that possible? Jeese, if you know me well, I'd play a Mario/Zelda/Metroid game for a pretty long time, but how is it possible to drive up to your home forget about ur OWN KID! And start being an irresponsible mother? Besides, I think EverQuest is pretty dumb :p