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08-29-2003, 05:32 PM
Yes, that's right! Rijuhn is going to go see Blue Man Group in concert tonight starting at 8 PM at the Virginia Beach Ampitheatre! I'll give you the back story since it's interesting...

My best friend's father goes to Las Vegas every few years, and he always wins there, so when he comes back he's happy and spends money quite liberally. Well, my friends father saw Blue Man Group perform in Las Vegas and he loved it, so when he came back he purchased 2 front row tickets, $100 a piece, for my friend and someone else to see them in concert.

My friend told me about it two weeks ago and I definately said yes, so here I am getting ready to go in a little while. It's going to be great! This is my first concert so I'm excited about that, aswell as all the other good things that have been happening of late, but that is another thread for another day.

What really surprises me the most is that no one seems to have heard of Blue Man Group, except for like 2 people, and even they have only heard of their names. It's like people can't remember cool stuff or something.

PS: I think Blue Man Group is going to be performing their newest CD, "Rock Concert Movement #5".

08-29-2003, 05:45 PM
I have seen them on TV a few times.
I bet there concerts are fun.
Some of the things these guys do is outragiously awesome.
Enjoy the show Rijuhn.

Here is a link to there website.
It has a few videos of what they do. Kinda cool.
Blue Man Group (http://www.blueman.com/complex/tourinformation.shtml)

08-29-2003, 05:53 PM
Oh yeah, I went to see them on an Orchestra trip to Boston in May. Awesome. I thought there would be more music but it's still good. They're funny guys, and I love their new cd.

Well it wasn't really part of their tour, and I don't think their album had came out yet. I think it was just one of there regular shows. But it was still great.

08-29-2003, 06:07 PM
I saw them in Chicago once. They threw toilet paper at the audience under strobe lights and then climbed on the people's heads. Fun show.

08-29-2003, 06:12 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot about when they do that Saffith. They throw some toilet paper on the ceiling fans and it looks cool when it's spinning. then they throw toilet paper all over.

The bad parts are when they smash shit and you get like banana and other assorted fruits over you, they did give us ponchoes, didn't cover my shoes though.

08-30-2003, 11:03 AM
Yeah, Blue Man Group is awesome... but did you know that it's just not one group of guys?? There are lots of blue men in the blue man group so they can put on shows in multiple cities at the same time!

08-30-2003, 02:36 PM
Yeah, I knew that. I think there are something like 3-4 trios of blue men group in four different cities. I think there is one in Boston, New York, Las Vegas and somewhere else. And in each of those places there are nine blue men and they rotate who plays and when.

And not only that, there is the band who plays guitar, bass and drum who are with them every show.

08-30-2003, 03:17 PM
Zorch has seen them many many times :) He thinks they're awesome :)

08-30-2003, 10:21 PM
Man was it awesome! They must go through about a year of coreography(sp?) to get all that stuff down so perfectly! And the amount of technology is in their show is just amazing! It must have taken about 3 weeks to set all the stuff up right because it was fantastic.

It's too much to explain, but basically the band rocked the house while the "blue men" performed on stuff they used as drums, piping, and other wierd cool custom built stuff.

08-31-2003, 02:47 AM
Sounds like you enjoyed it.
They will never come around here, bands like that only play for the big city and large auditoriums.
All I get is to listen to the corn grow.