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08-29-2003, 04:47 PM
Alright, I got myslef a nice new Compaq PC, 40giggle hd, 17inch moniter, WindowsXP...I'm happy with it. Its at my mom's place right now, and when I go over there later on tonight, it'll be like Christmas came early. ;) But my step-dad is putting some internet timer thing on it, and some thing where it'll record everything single character I type. Now could I remove these programs but Ctrl-Alt-Delete even if they require a password? Because I really don't want my parents reading what I type online, and I guarentee I'll be online for more than one hour a day...so can I just ctr-alt-delete the program?

08-29-2003, 05:10 PM
Does your stepdad know the meaning of "Invasion of privacy"? Jesus christ....

Ask your dad why he is installing it. Ask him if he is that untrustworthy of you to monitor every action. What is he afraid you will do?

Anyway, if you could tell us what programs you are talking about, someone might be able to help you out. Exact names, versions, stuff like that.

As for if you can Ctrl+Alt+Del out of it, I doubt it. Most spyware seems to protect against that.

08-29-2003, 05:18 PM
He's a cop...so, if that says anything about it. Could I just delete the friggin program though? Like, litterally go into My Computer>C:\>Program Files, and delete the whole folder?

I'm going over there tonight, like I said, so I'll get the info there. I don't think he'll put it on right away. As he works from 5am to 3pm, and likes to go to bed around 9...which is around the time I'll be there.

08-29-2003, 05:26 PM
That sucks, man. Luckily, I'm the only one who knows anything about computers at my house, so I don't have to deal with that.

Talk to your mom and stepdad about it. Tell them you feel like your privacy's being invaded, and lay a whole bunch of "teen angst" crap on alongside that. It works for me:)

08-29-2003, 06:18 PM
Umm... If your step-father is smart enough to install it would not he miss it if it turned up missing?
And for a timmer, that is just dumb, and you can tell him I said so being a father of three.
Time seems to disappear when on the PC and if you are doing a project for school or for pleasure you don't need the added pressure of a time limit.

08-29-2003, 06:21 PM
What kinda crap? He thinks you're a criminal or something? :eyebrow:

Getting a spyware killer could solve your problem.

08-30-2003, 11:43 PM
I'd just live with it for about a week. If you use AOL and they set thet timers on that, then you can just log on your dad's computer (if he stores his password) and change the settings, but don't do it right away. Wait a week. It might all just fall through, or they might not check the keylogger. You could even go so far as to install a keylogger onto the computer and run it to find out his password to the keylogger, and then you could modify or uninstall at will.

If it's your computer exclusively, then you probably will have it set to have your login as admin. When you're admin, nothing can be hidden from you on the ctl alt delete menu (I'm pretty sure) and you can close out of it like that. Or, if he just installs an internet filter, there are ways around that too...

08-31-2003, 12:08 AM
go to start>run and type msconfig
go to the "startup" tab, and look for the keylogger and timer programs and uncheck them. that way, whenever you start your computer they don't start and hide automatically.

ich: the only thing wrong with your idea of installing another keylogger is that if his dad checks the log, he'd see "keylogger" typed in as a search. unless he copy/pasted the word into the search bar.

08-31-2003, 12:54 AM
Won't he know if you took it off? I dont think he'd expect you to use the computer without touching a single key.

09-01-2003, 10:37 PM
So far, I'm hooked up to the internet, and no timer or anything. He was probably just saying that, because he didn't actually buy the software he wanted to, and I doubt he will soon.

09-02-2003, 09:43 AM
Is it one of those you put on the keyboard cord? If so, just rip it off and destroy it. (Or put it back when you're done with the computer, so they won't suspect anything).

09-02-2003, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Paradox
go to start>run and type msconfig
go to the "startup" tab, and look for the keylogger and timer programs and uncheck them. that way, whenever you start your computer they don't start and hide automatically....

actually, some stuff can even work against that... my mom has cybersitter installed on our computers at home (actually, I installed it, and i have it set up on a server box, so you can configure it through remote desktop, but if you don't have your browser set to go through the proxy, it circumvents the filtering, which is why i use firebird, but i leave IE filtered) and i've tried to disable it through msconfig, but it starts up anyhow. and i've even deleted it through the registry.. i don't know how it works. you could just delete the executeables, but your dad would probably notice. my advice would be to download your own keylogger now, and have it going when he installs the apps (if he does). also, with cybersitter, you can go in and edit the log files (they are stored in c:\windows\system32\logs\net\) in notepad without going into cybersitter, so you may be able to do something like that. just make sure to enable showing hidden and system files before you go spelunking for them :P

i'll help you however i can, i know this stuff is a pain in the ass, having lived with it for over 5 years now. i know how to get around it pretty good. i also have a keylogger if you want it.

09-02-2003, 10:28 AM
After he installs it, try using the system restore feature. :)

09-02-2003, 03:39 PM
Or you could just never touch the keyboard. Use character map: click on all the letters you want to type, and then copy and paste into the location where you want the characters. Really slow, but if you want to prove a point just on principle, that might work.

09-02-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by inori
Or you could just never touch the keyboard. Use character map: click on all the letters you want to type, and then copy and paste into the location where you want the characters. Really slow, but if you want to prove a point just on principle, that might work.

XP comes with an ON-screen keyboard utility under the Accessibility folder inthe Start Menu ;)

09-02-2003, 07:12 PM
XP comes with an ON-screen keyboard utility under the Accessibility folder inthe Start Menu

...which is extremely unresponsive and generally irritating.

09-02-2003, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Pablo

...which is extremely unresponsive and generally irritating.

Like they say -
Beggers can't be choosers

09-03-2003, 01:28 AM
OK, day 2 with internet...so BL0XX0RZ J00R INN3RN37!!11ONEOEN I actually doubt I'll ever be BL0XX0RZ3D or any keyboard viewing crap. So more Bit-Topia Obi. :D

09-03-2003, 04:34 PM
Ooh, about that - all my sprite sheets are kinda gone when my pc killed itself :(
Im pretty sure between you Jay and Pat you have them all, so could they be ike e-mailed to me or soemthing please?
