View Full Version : ZC Support Archive, 1.92 beta 182

08-28-2003, 04:51 PM
I've looked and I have had no luck locating this file. I've tried downloading this from AlphaDawg's site, no luck, it was corrupt. I tried other links and they were dead or not there at all. I was wondering if anyone had a WORKING and not corrupt download of this file so I can rejuvenate my Zelda Classic program.

BTW, this is Spike for those of you who care. =P Be planning to hear from me A LOT more on the forums.


08-28-2003, 07:37 PM
Excuse my ignorance. I've come back and I'm already acting like a n00b. it appears I did not check the ZC Downloads thread thoroughly enough, I found it on Tsukuru's page (aparently the only one really working at all...) :laughing: Anyway, no need to answer this anymore, you may close this, mods.