View Full Version : Link Tile mod?

08-26-2003, 12:01 AM
Courtesey of Raichu, i now have 187. one thing I need help with (so far) is how the link tile mod works?

08-26-2003, 08:53 AM
Go to Graphics->Sprites->Items. when you edit an item, you should see something, link tile mod variable, or something like that. The number you type in, is how many spaces to the right link's animations will move(for example, if link gets an item that raises the variable by 6, his required animation spots will move 6 tiles to the right) The program won't move the tiles for you. The tile mod activates when link holds an item that raises the tile mod variable by any number(either by acquiring it, or through the init data).

It's best to experiment if you didn't understand what I just said.;)

08-26-2003, 08:11 PM
I knew how to set the tile mod, i was just wondering what the value affected, thanks! also, does it revert back to normal once you select something else?

08-27-2003, 12:46 AM
I probably should've edited that to take, not hold. Unless you take another item that affects the mod, link will stay that way.

08-27-2003, 01:37 PM
how would link go back to normal then? if you set it at all, it moves links frame usage, and since 0 disen't count as a tile mod... something tells me that needs to be refined a little

08-27-2003, 01:49 PM
The variables how many spaces to move, not where to move too right? So you could enter a negative value to go backward.

08-27-2003, 02:13 PM
but what if the value has been increased by another item, and only one item is set to reduce links value by the same amount as the first item he got that increased his tile mod value? to make it simpler, the timle mod should reset for every item that is used, not obtained

08-27-2003, 03:50 PM
I would think that the tile mod was to make link look better when he carried items. For example, when link gets the bow in his inventory, the item would move link to a set where a bow(or arrows) would be on his back(FEI, the 0 or negative solution won't work).

Actually, that spawns a cool idea. If we had the ability to effect link's vitals when the link tile mod variable reaches a certain amount, and where link's TM variable would be affected when he touches enemies, we could have more diverse gameplay mechanics, such as a better mario quest(with the shrooms and stuff).

Bah, wishful thinking.:p

08-30-2003, 07:58 PM
more to add & some reiteration:
-The variables change which tiles are used for each of link's animations (actually for now, i think its just the walking animation) in each direction.
-If the value is positive, each animation frames moves to the right that many tiles; if negative, to the left
-The variable modifies link only if he has that particular item in the inventory--for example, if he has the raft, which will appear in the inventory, then the raft link tile mod variable will be affect the tiles used for animations
-For things like shields, if you collect like lets say the magic shield first & it has a tile mod variable of 2 and then you collect the mirror shield, which has for example a variable of 3, then instead of combining those variables for a total of 5, what zc does instead is make the overall effect change the tiles to move to the right only 3 (since you "lose" the magic shield & gain the mirror shield--since the mirror shield is an upgrade of the magic shield & ya can't have both in the inventory at once).
-If you have a link tile mod variable for different items like for example the lens of truth & the bow, then when link gets each item, their variables will both be added together & will both change link's tiles
-Not sure, but if something like the bomb, which will disappear from the inventory after you use all of them, it might so happen that its variable will lose its affect after they are all used; for example, if it has a variable of 4, it might move link's tiles for each animation frame 4 spaces to the right & after link has 0 bombs again, the tiles used may move back to the left 4.
-Even with link tile mod variables set, the rings will still cause link's cset to change so keep this in mind when making different sets of link's sprites--if ya want link's animations to look appropriate with each ring, check to see that all tiles look correct with each of the 4 link csets.
-Not sure, but items such as the compass, map, & boss key that appear on the subscreen depending on link being in that dungeon where it is found, the compass, etc. might affect link's animations when found while he is in that dungeon & if he leaves the dungeon to a dmap w/out a compass, then the tiles might revert back to the way they were b4 collecting the compass, as the compass will no longer be in the inventory
-Not positive, but certain items such as keys, misc items, & kill all enemies, may not have any affect, regardless of their link tile mod variable becuz they never appear in the inventory