View Full Version : just wondering......

08-21-2003, 10:42 AM
i know it may seem like a silly question but,
i just upgraded to v1.92 recently and while looking through all of the new options i noticed that there was a section "link sprites".

in all of the v1.92 tilesets i downloaded they did not use them either,so do they actually do anything or do you just have to place the link tiles in the first two rows in your tileset like 1.90?

08-21-2003, 11:24 AM
well, right now the Link sprites menu is very buggy, and often times completely freezes zquest until you press "esc" to get outta there--the menu should show what link's sprites look like in full animation, for each action & direction--this is only to view the sprites but to actually change them, you must either just change the tiles, or for certain ones, change them in the "weapons/misc" sprites menu (like the "link slash" sprite).

08-21-2003, 01:58 PM
Most of that menu hasn't even been implemented into the game yet, but it will probably be used by ZQuest 2.0.

08-23-2003, 07:40 AM
can't wait 4 that....,
o idontknow remember you mentioned in one of your threads that you were going to release a quest of 2 screen with custom boss as an example did you ever get around to doing that because i really need some help in that area i am doing a majoras mask remake and i will need to do the bosses from the game.