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View Full Version : Man, I thought Y2K was coming late...

08-15-2003, 08:32 PM
Major blackout occured recently, and more than just my town was the victim(about a few states). I also lost my water supply. Talk about dehydration. Kinda makes you thankful that you have such things, ya know?

Of course, some were lucky enough not to be affected.
My question is this to everyone:If such a crisis occured in your city(to last more than a day), what would you think went wrong, without knowing what went on in the world?

08-15-2003, 10:15 PM
I was lucky enough to not be affected by it. I always wondered when living all the way out here would prove its worth....

As for the question, if it does last that long...Well I can't imagine where my imagination would run off to. I tend to go crazy in those sorts of situations....

08-16-2003, 10:16 AM
Well Blonde I could see where others might think crazy things but fortunatly I have to good people of Illinois Power! Yes electric where I am at could go out for two days and it really wouldn't be that big of a surprise. After some storms we have had, I've know people who have been without power for that long.

It takes Illinois Power on average 5 hours to respond when one of their transformers is arcing due to trees. The firefighters can't do anything because they are so small they don't have a large supply of the special foam you can use to put out electrical fires, so we all watch it arc until the power company decides to show up.

08-16-2003, 11:02 AM
I woulden't be very alarmed...id just think some moron crashed into a pole again...After a couple hours, id start to wonder, then id get some batteries and turn on the radio.

08-16-2003, 12:28 PM
I was in the affected area. I got power back last night, but Comcast just came back today.

Anyway, at first I thought it was something small, and would be back in an hour or so. After listening to the radio, though, I learned that it was a large problem.

Kirby of Doom
08-16-2003, 12:42 PM
Massachusetts wasn't affected, which is a good thing.

I heard that if the people working at a power plant in New Jersey hadn't done some stuff then the whole nation might have lost power.

08-16-2003, 01:33 PM
My question is why such a large area? Was it all from one plant? I haven't really heard much about it besides major blackouts in New York (they never seem to mention the other areas). You'd think that if the power is from one source that there would be backup plants somewhere around there.

08-16-2003, 06:45 PM
Well, everything is connected(to tell ya the truth, I'm not totally sure, have to look it up)....:p

Anyway, I just got my power back yesterday. Apparently, in the midst of the dark, quite a few people were arrested for looting. Talk about taking initiative.:laughing: