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carrot red
08-15-2003, 08:15 PM
How do you feel about global warming?

I am not sure if all the hype about global warming is 100% true, but I do think people should make an effort to recycle and not litter.

08-15-2003, 08:18 PM
Temperature goes up, temperature goes down. The earth isn't getting any warmer, and we're not headed for another ice age. Nature causes more noxious fumes than people. What are ya gonna do?

08-15-2003, 10:24 PM
I think it is something we need to really consider. Just think about every car out there spewing out exhaust. The stuff has got to go somewhere. and then think about the acres and acres of rainforest being cut down. That can't do the world any good either. I hate to sound like some Green Peace fanatic, but I really think there is a "balance" in the world. you cut down a lot of trees, and the temperature raises. Cause/Effect.

08-16-2003, 03:22 AM

08-16-2003, 03:45 AM
What happens is gonna happen no matter what because the average person doesnt really care unless it helps them... unfortunately we dont live in a unselfish society except for the select few like us.. :)

08-16-2003, 03:55 AM
Global warming, terrorism, and Dubya. These are the worries of a 21st century America.

Oil spills, Communism, and the specter of Nixon. These are the worries of a 1980s America.

When we take care of one problem, four more pop up in its place There's no point to worrying about it, but that doesn't mean we should give up.

...Okay, that's enough inspiration for one night, morning, whatever the hell this is. I'm too tired to think clearly.

08-16-2003, 04:21 AM
Temperature goes up, temperature goes down. The earth isn't getting any warmer, and we're not headed for another ice age. Nature causes more noxious fumes than people. What are ya gonna do?

Yes, but in addition to those natural noxious fumes, you have people giving off far more than their natural share, in the form of burning fossil fuels and other carbon gas emitting activities. A volcano, when it erupts, will distribute far more gases into the atmosphere, yes. But human factories are moving constantly, as well as the billion or so automobiles on the roads, many of which don't follow the same strict emissions standards that the US or Europe has in place.

It seems fairly obvious then, that in addition to the natural sources of fumes, the deliberate sources add on. It remains to be seen how well the earth can handle increased emission of these gases.

I've also heard that the earth natural reaches periods of extreme cold temperatures and extreme warm temps. I've also heard that we might be in the period of warmer temps, which could explain the record temperatures we've been having for the last 5 or 6 years.

Personally though, the effects of global warming could be economically catastrophic and have a much more negative impact on America's economy than pollution controls ever could, it is not a chance I would take.

And since undemocratic industrialized countries or poor democratic countries cannot be counted upon to impose these pollution controls, the task falls on the shoulders of countries like the US and Japan, or those in the European Union.

08-16-2003, 05:00 AM
Originally posted by Daarkseid

And since undemocratic industrialized countries or poor democratic countries cannot be counted upon to impose these pollution controls, the task falls on the shoulders of countries like the US and Japan, or those in the European Union.

you nailed it.